chapter 14: sport festival part 7: battle tournament and the UA spy's decision

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...previously on the cycle of hatred. . 

someone walked thought the empty halls of UA before a swirling vortex opened up as someone jumped out of it and landed Infront of him

"it's you again!! what do you want!!?" the unknown person asked while glaring at the masked man

"relax we are in the same side here" Madara said as the person Infront of him scoff "I'm here to receive your answer, so have you thought about my offer?" Madara asked while looking at the unknown person Infront of him before the person took a deep breath to calm his nerves

"I have thought about it but ...but before I give you my answer, first I want to know something" the person asked as Madara looked at him intrigued behind his mask

"oh and what would that be?" Madara asked in curiosity as the person took another deep breath

"what can you tell me about Izuku Yagi?" the person asked as Madara gained s smirked that was hidden by his swirling mask

"well then I could tell you but how about he tells you himself" Madara said as the person looked at him confuse before a swirling vortex opened up and came out a boy with spiky black hair with bangs that hung over the side of his face and black eyes with faint freckles on his face, he wore a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a high collar , white shorts, white arm warmers, and blue shinobi sandal covered by bandages, he also had a kunai pouch tied around his right thigh with bandages around it and the famous Uchiha crest in the back of his shirt, this is Izuku Uchiha former Yagi ,the rebellious and supposedly dead son of All might and one of the last members of the infamous Uchiha clan alive 

"I would like you too meet Izuku Uchiha....."

. . . 

the person stared at the new comer in shock as Izuku gave the person a once over before a scoff appeared on his face

"this is the person who you want to recruit? really? doesn't look like much?  you sure they will be capable enough for the job?" Izuku asked Madara who looked at him in amusement

"have patience Young Izuku I'm sure they will be well capable enough for the tasked at hand" Madara said putting a hand on his apprentice's shoulder in reassurance Izuku merely scoff at him in return

"y-your I-Izuku Yagi, your Izumi's brother" the person asked in shock as Izuku's eyes narrowed when he heard that name

"what did you just say?" Izuku ask with his eyes narrowed dangerously making the person Infront of him gulp as he grip his right hand as a faint light can be seen followed by a faint sound of multiple birds chirping

"now, now young Izuku I'm sure They doesn't mean anything by it" Madara said while grabbing Izuku's right hands who was slightly covered with blue lightning before his attention turned towards the person Infront of them "you have to forgive him, he doesn't like being called by his former last name anymore, it's kind off a taboo to hear someone utter  that name, it's a touchy subject for him" Madara said as the unknown person gulped in fear at the glare that sent their way by Izuku 

"I-I'm sorry" unknown person said as he bowed his head in apology with sweat rolling down their brows as the unknown person still felt him glaring daggers into their very soul 

"Hn" Izuku said with a scoff while he puts his hands on his pockets 'if you ever do that again I'll kill you in a blink of an eye, got that?" Izuku said darkly while the person gulp in fear while nodding their head repeatedly

"now, now Everyone please calm down were not here to fight against each other" Madara said as he looked at Izuku who in turn scoff once again "now why don't you tell our guess the reason why you're here Izuku" Madara said as Izuku's eyes hardened as he clenched his fist in anger inside his pockets

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