chapter 51: the wrath of an Uchiha! the return of the prodigal son!

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. . . previously on the cycle of hatred. . . 

"my, my, call me impress, it's not easy defeating the so called symbol of evil, the lord of the criminal underworld, I guess you really are the number one hero All Might" a voice said a Madara stepped out of the swirling vortex followed by another person wearing the same black cloak with red clouds and orange spiky hair with ripple pattern eyes

"you! I won't let you get away this time!!" Endeavor roared as he launched himself towards Madara and the unknown person

"Endeavor wait!" All Might called out in an attempt to stop him but to no avail

"as hot headed as always" Madara said mockingly before a swirling vortex appeared followed by a cloak figure with his hand in case with lightning inches away from piercing his chest

"Endeavor!" Kamui woods called out as he used his branches to wrap around Endeavor's waist and pull him out before the attack hit him narrowly avoiding his death

the unknown cloaked figure slowly landed into the ground before three more cloaked figures came out of the vortex an landed next to the first one

"who are you?" Hiruzen asked them with narrowed eyes causing Madara to smirk behind his mask

"who are we? well why don't we reveal ourselves eh?" Madara said as the first cloaked figure slowly reached up to his hood and took it off revealing a familiar pair of black eyes and spiky black hair with a blue tint with freckles the shape of diamonds adorning each side of his cheeks much to everyone's shock, All Might, Momo, Izumi, Aizawa and all of the person who knew about Izuku and is currently watching this all around the world right now, it was the familiar face of Izuku Yagi, the one thought to be dead after ending his own life

. . . with Aizawa. . .

Aizawa stood frozen in shock as he saw his nephew, Izuku, in the TV standing before All Might and Madara as a villain.

"Izuku...?" Aizawa uttered his nephew's name, his voice shaking with disbelief, his mind was reeling as he tried to process the situation. This was the same boy he had watched grow up, the only living memory of his beloved sister. And now, he was a villain.

. . . with Mellissa and David Shield, I-Island. . .

Mellissa and David Shield stood frozen in shock as they saw their nephew/cousin, who they all thought was dead standing before All Might and Madara as a villain.

"I-I don't believe it. Izuku is alive and he's a villain now?" Mellissa stated in pure shock and disbelief

"This can't be real. How is this even possible?" David muttered in shock

. . . Yaoyorozu Mansion. . .

Momo's parents were frozen in shock as they couldn't believe their eyes, saw the one they considered as a son, the one the thought to be dead was alive the entire time and is now a villain

"Izuku's. . . alive? b-but, We thought he was were dead," Mikasa Yaoyorozu said, with her voice trembling in shock at what she just saw

"I-It can't be" Ichigo Yaoyorozu muttered in shock along side his wife

. . . with the Bakugo retrieval team. . .

Bakugo, Izumi and Momo stood completely frozen in shock and disbelief at what they had just witness

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