chapter 58: the fated battle between siblings part 2

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. . .previously on the cycle of hatred. . .

"It's time to finally end this, don't you agree?, Izumi?" Izuku asked with Izumi nodding in determination

"I couldn't agree more Izuku" Izumi exclaimed, with determination burning in her eyes.

The weight of their decisions hung heavy in the air as they prepared their final attacks, fueled by their shared determination to stop the stop the other no matter the cost, one aiming to kill while the other aiming to save the loved one she lost long ago

As the tension mounted, Izumi and Izuku charged towards each other, their movements fueled by adrenaline and sheer willpower. The two fierce rivals locked eyes, determination burning in their gazes and with lightning speed, they rushed towards each other, their respective attacks crackling with power causing the ground trembled beneath their feet, echoing the magnitude of their clash.

"CHIDORI!/RASENGAN!!" Izumi and Izuku exclaimed, as they rushed towards one another with their attacks in hand, ready to end this once and for all

Izuku, fueled by his burning desire for revenge, thrust his hand forward, channeling all his chakra into his Chidori. The electric blue aura surrounding his hand was a testament to the raw power he possessed. His aim was precise, targeting Izumi's heart, a symbol of their deep-rooted conflict.

"IIIZZZZUUUMMMMIIIIII!!!!!/ IIIIIZZZZUUUUKKKKIII!!!" the two combatants roared as they rushed towards one another and their attacks roared, with Izuku aiming his Chidori directly at Izumi's heart, aiming to end her miserable existence once and for all

However, Izumi never one to back down, summoned every ounce of her strength to defend herself. At the very last second, she skillfully maneuvered her body, narrowly evading the fatal strike. The Chidori Pierce her right shoulder, causing her to growl in pain and leaving a searing mark in its wake. The pain coursed through Izumi's body, but she refused to let it weaken her resolve.

Simultaneously, Izumi's own attack, the Rasengan, surged forward with a spiraling force. It whirled with an azure brilliance, gathering immense energy within its core. With unwavering determination, Izumi directed the Rasengan towards Izuku's stomach, aiming to bring him to his knees and end their tumultuous battle.

The collision was cataclysmic. The combined might of the Chidori and the Rasengan unleashed an explosion of energy, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. The impact was so powerful that both Izuku and Izumi were propelled backward, their bodies soaring through the air, as if caught in a tempest.

As they landed a few meters away from each other, the dust settled, revealing the toll that the clash had taken on them. Both fighters were in the ground in a small crater, both were left panting, their bodies battered and bruised. Yet, an unyielding fire burned in their eyes, a testament to their unbreakable spirit and unwavering determination.

Silence enveloped the battlefield for a brief moment, broken only by the sound of their labored breaths. It was a moment of reflection, a pause in the midst of their fierce rivalry. They knew the battle was far from over, but in that moment, there was a mutual understanding that they were destined to push each other to the limits.

With renewed determination, Izuku and Izumi rose to their feet, their resolve unshaken. The clash of Chidori and Rasengan had only fueled their desire to kill and save the other.

"So, you managed to divert the blow at the last moment eh? Not bad Izumi, but it doesn't matter on the end, your already finished anyway, so you can just forget about one for all and those jutsu's of yours" Izuku said as he slowly stood back up from the ground when Izumi slowly stood up from the ground, her hair covering her eyes and a red aura suddenly began to engulfed her much to his shock as the ground began to shake and the wind began to churn, sending dust and debris everywhere as the wound on Izumi's shoulder slowly began to heal

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