chapter 2:Heroes vs Villains and project Zetsu

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.....It was the next day as Momo walked to her classroom as she was early once again, she entered her classroom as she silently went to her desk and sat in her chair while she was silently reading her book

the purpled haired girl from yesterday suddenly walk in before going towards Momo and sat besides her "I'm sorry for your lost" she said sadly to her

Momo raised her eyebrow at her as she looked at her in confusion "huh?" she ask the girl

the girl rubbed her head in embarrassment a small appeared blush in her face" y-yeah I.. uh I kinda followed you yesterday... I'm sorry I was just worried about you" she said sheepishly as Momo only sighed

Momo smiled at the her genuine concern for her "thanks for you're concern about me but I'm fine now thanks again uhm I believe I haven't gotten your name yet" Momo ask the girl

"oh..uhm ..I'm Kyoka jiro it's nice to meet you Yaoyorozu-san" the newly named Kyoka Jiro introduce herself to her potentially new friend

Momo smiled at the girl" well then Jiro-san I'm Momo Yaoyorozu it's a pleasure to meet you"

"uh please Jiro's fine there's no need for honorifics " Jiro stated a little embarrass

" well if that's the case then call me Yaoyorozu or Momo" she said

"oh well then I guess I'll call you yaomomo sound's good" Kyoka ask as Momo smiled at the nickname "uh I'm sorry again for following you yesterday I was just worried about my friend...wait were friends right?" Kyoka ask her a bit worried

"it's no problem ....and yeah were friends...' she said quietly as Jiro sadly smiled at her

"so...uh it's that the reason why you were pissed at those two yesterday" she said

"more than that..." Momo said angrily as she glared at the heads of Izumi and Katsuki wanting them to explode with her glare

"is that so well you're secret's safe with me I'm a trustworthy one" Kyoka said making a zipping motion with her hand and lips making Momo chuckle a bit

After a minute, Aizawa entered the classroom as he looked at them before his gaze went towards Momo " I saw what you did yesterday Yaoyorozu......good work" Aizawa praised her with a grin on his face as the others once more gape at him "'he's praising her we thought he was going to reprimand her'" they thought in shock

" I regret nothing " she replied bluntly with a smile on her face mimicking Aizawa's own, Aizawa nodded in agreement feeling pride from his student but it quickly disappeared once he looked at Bakugou

" and you ... it's your fault for attacking her, what a child, stop acting like a rabid dog who missed their rabies shot if you do that again worst case scenario I'll expel you on the spot put you to jail for attempted assault and illegal quirk use , oh and let's not forget about your past accomplishments with you're close friend and with that amount of evidence and the class who witness the whole thing and will be ask to testify against you it will be enough for you to be lock behind bars for life with no possibility of parole, best case scenario I dropped you to the general studies put anti quirk cuffs on you and a muzzle on your mouth while I replace you with a student in 1-C that caught my eye do you understand?!!!" Aizawa said as he activated his quirk to emphasize his point as the rest widen their eyes and began to sweat uncontrollably and Bakugo who was scared for the first time in his life as his eyes were wide and his face was paler than a ghost while drool starting to come out of his mouth, nodded his head profusely while Momo was enjoying the moment especially the look on Bakugo 's face it was one of the time she wished she had a camera,....then she remembered she can just make one

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