chapter 18: the end of the sports festival!! and the broken family

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. . .Momo slowly opened her eyes as she got up from the bed as she look around only to find herself in Recovery girl's office

Momo rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out before her eyes widen as she recalled what had happen during their fight

"I-I won" Momo said to herself in disbelief as she recalled her victory during their fight "I actually did it, I won" Momo said as tears began to well up in her eyes from joy that she had won the festival for her befriend and lover

" I did it Izuku, I won" Momo said with a small smile as she slowly wiped the tears away from her eyes before she was interrupted wen she heard the door open and her classmates (except for Izumi, Bakugo, Iida and Todoroki) came flooding out of the door

"YAOMOMO!!/YAOYOROZU!!" her classmates shouted as they all came flooding down the door and they went towards her

"hey!! how have you been? are you okay?" Jiro asked her worriedly as Momo only shook her head with a small smile on her face

"yeah, I'm fine just exhausted from the fight that's all" Momo said as her classmates all sighed in relief

"well we're glad you safe Yaomomo" Mina said with a small smile glad that her friend was safe "speaking of fights, HOLLY CRAP!! YAOMOMO YOU WERE AWESOME!!" Mina shouted startling Momo a bit as the rest of the class all nodded in agreement

"yeah!! no kidding your manly Yaoyorozu!!" Kirishima said as he gave her a toothy grin

"yeah! I didn't know that you could do those awesome new moves!!" Hagakure said as Momo gave them all a soft smile

"Hagaukre's right your were amazing Yaoyorozu but how did you do that *Kero*? Tsuyu asked her as Momo only shook her head

"Thanks you guys" Momo said with a small smile "but to be honest with you, I don't know how I did those things" Momo said as she looked at her hands

"I just felt my instincts kick in. like something awakened deep inside of me and it just told me what to do and how to use my powers" Momo said "it's just like what Todoroki-san said when he also unlock his powers" Momo said as everyone nodded in understanding

"even still you were still amazing Yaoyorozu! you won the festival for god sake!" Kaminari said with a grin towards her

"he's right! you were amazing Yaoyorozu!!" Uraraka said as Momo gave them all a grateful smile

"thank you" Momo said with a grateful smile "thank you, all of you" Momo said as the class only gave her a bright smile before they all heard knocking on the door

"hey are we interrupting something?' said a voice as the class turned around to find where it came from only to fin Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu standing in the door way

"no not at all sir" Jiro said shaking her head "we all were just checking if she was okay. we'll leave you alone with her now" Jiro said as she escorted the class out of recovery girl's office

"good bye Yaomomo!! get well soon!" Mina said as Jiro closed the door behind them

"you have good friends you got their dear" her father said with a small smile as Momo nodded

"yeah, I know" Momo said with a small smile "I'm lucky to have great friends like them"

"well we're glad that your making friends dear" her mother said with a small smile "you haven't gotten any friend since-" she quickly paused when she saw the sad look from her daughter's eyes

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