chapter 15: sport festival part 8:battle tournament!! Izumi vs Shoto!!

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...Izumi was walking through the halls of UA and towards the arena for her fight against Todoroki until a flaming foot revealed itself from the corner as Izumi looked up to where the foot belonged to only to reveal the flame hero: Endeavor himself

"AHHH!! ENDEAVOR?" Izumi said in shock as she was startled at his sudden appearance

"AHHH!! ENDEAVOR?" Izumi said in shock as she was startled at his sudden appearance

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"ah I was looking for you" endeavor said turning his attention towards her

"uh? y-yeah hi s-so um what are you doing back here?" Izumi asked nervously

"I watch your fight against that shadow brainwashing guy, I have been watching your performance since the beginning and I gotta say that your power is very impressive, to create so much wind pressure with by a single punch" Endeavor said as he narrowed his eyes at her "your quirk, it reminds me of another quirk, you seems to have it in common with All might" Endeavor said pointing a finger at Izumi accusingly while the girl gulp with beads of sweat running down on her body

"I uh" Izumi thought trying to find some kind of excuse "I guess I really never thought about it that way, I'm sorry but I have to go" Izumi said as she walked passed him

"'is it really possible that Endeavor knows about me being All might's daughter and one for all?'" Izumi thought before she shook her head "'no he probably would have mention it by now, he's the one person I can't let find out about dad's secret'" Izumi thought before she heard endeavor's voice behind her

"if you managed to be Shoto's rival, I want you to make him use his flame" Endeavor said with a stern look making her flinch

"it's my Shoto's duty to surpass All might as the number one hero" Endeavor said as Izumi stopped dead in her tracks "and he's match with you will be a good testing ground for how much training he has left, so hit him hard don't disgrace your self or him by holding back "Endeavor continued as Izumi listened to him as she remember Todoroki's words towards her

"'I refuse to rely my old man's fire quirk , you see I'm going to show him that i reject his power and take first place with out using it '"

"that's all I wanted to say, I apologized for bothering you' Endeavor said as he walked off

"Endeavor" Izumi said quietly but loud enough for Izumi to hear her as he stopped in his tracks "I am not All might" Izumi said as Endeavor turned towards her confuse

"what? what are you talking about?" Endeavor asked only to be cut off my Izumi

"and the same goes for Todoroki" Izumi said as she turned her attention towards him with her eyes hardened "he may be your son, but he isn't you" Izumi said before she walked away towards the arena only to be met by Momo who was glaring at her

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