chapter 3:class rep and the intruder at UA

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                              was a normal day at UA as the student's were trying to enter the gates UA only to be block the a bunch of news reporters and camera men as they interviewed the student who were trying not to be late

" what are your thoughts on all might teaching in this school?" the reporters asked Kirishima

"uh I think it's manly" Kirishima said giving them a thumbs up


" what are your thoughts on all might teaching in this school?" the reporters ask Uraraka

"uh I think his cool he didn't threaten us with explosion the other day" Uraraka said


" what are your thoughts on all might teaching in this school?" the reporters asked Bakugo

"FUCK OFF YOU DAMN EXTRA!!" Bakugo yelled before storming off as the reporters muttered rude to him which he didn't care


" what are your thoughts on all might teaching in this school?" the reporters asked Todoroki

"I want soba " Todoroki muttered as his stomach rumbled in agreement before walking off leaving the reporters confused


" what are your thoughts on all might teaching in this school?" the reporters asked Izumi

"I-uhm I-I think I-it's cool" Izumi said as she stuttered in nervousness due to all the cameras pointing at her


" what are your thoughts on all might teaching in this school?" the reporters ask Momo

Momo only ignored them as she continued walking to the gates

"hey wait you're the daughter and heiress of the Yaoyorozu company please just one interview , what it is like to have Allmight as your teacher?" the reporter asked as they got close much to Momo's discomfort and annoyance

Momo was about to tell them to leave her alone as Aizawa appeared next to her beating her to the punch

"enough you're harassing the student's of UA now go " Aizawa said as the reporters looked at him " Yaoyorozu go hurry up to your classroom or you'll be late" Aizawa said as Momo nodded in thanks before walking out

" eraser head we just want interview with allmight is he here?' one reporter asked as he got close to eraser head

" yeah we want to know why he would teach at UA and why now?" another reporter said

"just one interview that's all we want" another reporter said

"he's not here" Aizawa said before walking off much to the reporters annoyance

they tried to enter the gate only for it to close shut Infront of them before they can even step their foot in much to the shock of the reporters

one reporter gripped her microphone tightly as she gritted her teeth "one interview just one is that so hard to asked?!!" she said as she yelled at the doors of  he blocked gate of UA

Momo quickly made it into her classroom much to her relief that she wasn't late as Jiro waved at her as she waved back before sitting next to her talking with each other to past the time was a couple of days since the battle training exercise, since then everything was quiet uneventful as they were just learning English from present mic, learning history from cementoss, mathematics with ectoplasm, and so on, all in all it was just a normal school days for them

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