Chapter 62: let the provisional liscense exam begin! The test of will!!

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. . .A few days passed and the day of the Provisionals finally arrived. Class 1-A was transported by bus towards the arena where the Provisionals will be taking place.

"Ugh, I'm getting kind of nervous." Jiro stated as Momo turned her head to look at her best friend with a comforting look on her face.

"Don't, Kyoka. We've all been working really hard this entire week. I'm sure it'll pay off," Momo said enthusiastically.

"Aren't you stressed about the exam, Yaomomo?" Kyoka asked her to which, she simply shrugged

"No, not really. I guess I was just too busy on my training and perfecting my ultimate moves that I didn't see the exam coming already." Momo replied with a shrug

"That's enough chit chat. We're here" Aizawa announced as the class stopped their chatting and followed their teacher out of the bus

"Oh man, i wonder what they're going to make us do? Uh, what if I can't get my license?" Mineta asked them nervously as the class exited the bus and noticed a lot of other busses from different schools coming in as well.

"Mineta, don't ask of you can. Say you will" Aizawa said sternly making the already nervous boy even more nervous and anxious

"Oh! Right! Sure! I so got this!" Mineta said nervously

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros, I expect your best" Aizawa said to his class sternly, earning a chorus of determined nods in return

"All right. I can't wait to be a heroic chicken." Kaminari stated excitedly

"Let's call out the usual you guys. On my mark, Go Plus-" Kirishima said when a guy suddenly interrupted their chant

"ULTRA!!" Said a tall kid with a hat that approached them from behind and shouted behind them making the class turn to him.

"Y'know its pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that, Inasa." Another kid in the same uniform that kinda reminded them of Shinso, judging from the same purple hair said. The kid now known as Inasa straightened up his body.

"What? Pardon me. I am so very sorry!! extremely sorry!!" Inasa shouted as he bowed really low and planting his head on the pavement making blood come out of his forehead, startling and shocking the class.

"Who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm, like at all." Kaminari said, clearly freaked out by the taller student's behavior of fear

"'It's him.'" Aizawa thought as he immediately recognized the boy by first glance

"Hey look at their uniforms." Jiro pointed out, as she recognized the school uniforms they were wearing.

"They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan." Sero said chimed in

"Hm, yeah I've heard of them, the only other school to rival ours. UA in the East." Izumi replied

"and Shiketsu in the West." Momo finished as she eyed the group with narrowed eyes , specifically the taller raven haired student who she couldn't help but feel that she recognize him from somewhere but couldn't exactly point out where

"'of all the hero courses out there, the ones in this elite school actually rivals UA's, Shiketsu high'" Izumi thought, starting to get more nervous from the tough competition they have to go against

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