chapter 31: the Kiyashi mall encounter and the Akatsuki assembled

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. . .Shigaraki stared at the two supposed recruits Infront of him with an unamused look before he went back to what he was doing

"Kurgiri get rid of these two" Shigaraki said pointing at Dabi and Toga "I can already tell that their exactly the kind of trash I hate, a brat and a guy with no manners" Shigaraki said with a growl

"now, now Tomura Shigaraki they came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out give them a chance" Kurogiri said pleading with him 'and besides this broker is respected on the underworld, their bound to be valuable assets" Kurogiri said looking at Giran

"like them or not you still owe me a finders fee in cash" Giran said as he walked forwards besides Dabi and Toga "I suppose I should introduce the two of them before I go, this one looks like an adorable high school girl right? well she's actually a suspect in a series of deaths were the victims all bleed out so far her name and face have been kept out of the media" Giran said pointing at the blonde girl with her hair in a buns and wearing a school uniform

"Toga here! Himiko Toga! life is too hard I just wanna make it easier to live in this dumb world! I wanna be mister stainy! I wanna kill mister Stainy! come on handy man please let me join your league of villains!!!" Toga said excitedly with a crazed smile on her lips

"you got to be kidding me! is she crazy? she's worst than Tobi! no wait scratch that no one's worst than Tobi" Shigaraki said with a shiver

"well she can certainly hold a conversation for the most part at least, come on she could be useful, and this guy" Giran said looking at Dabi "he hasn't committed any flashy crime but he has taken stain's ideology to heart"

"I don't like this" Dabi muttered "is your group really dedicated to the hero killer's mission? I can't imagine you are if your gonna let this little psycho join you" Dabi said a as Toga looked at him in slight annoyance

"grow up she maybe a Psycho but at least she knows how to introduce herself to people, don't just stare what's your name?" Shigaraki asked

"right now I'm going by Dabi" Dabi said introducing himself

"no I want to know your real name" Shigaraki said in an annoyed tone

"I'll tell you when you need to know it" Dabi said ignoring the glare Shigaraki was giving him "in any case my new purpose is to carry out the hero killer's will"

"that wasn't what I ask you patch work" Shigaraki said in an annoyed tone "geez why s everyone so hung up on stain he's all I ever hear about!" Shigaraki said as he got up form his seat angrily

"no don't do it" Kurogiri warned him only to be ignored by Shigaraki

"every day! it's really pissing me off! you two will die!" Shigaraki said as he lunged towards them just as Dabi incase his hand in blue flames and Toda grabbed a knife form her pocked at aimed it at Shigaraki as they retaliate in self-defense just as all three of them went for an attack only to be stopped by Kurogiri who created a warp gate Infront of them as Kurogiri stopped them form coming to blows with his quirk

"every day! it's really pissing me off! you two will die!" Shigaraki said as he lunged towards them just as Dabi incase his hand in blue flames and Toda grabbed a knife form her pocked at aimed it at Shigaraki as they retaliate in self-defense jus...

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