chapter 44: forest training camp part 5: curse marks unleashed!!

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. . . Tiger growled as he aimed multiple punches at Magne only for her to block and dodge each one of them with ease

"hey! no fair! back off! let me get my item" Magne complained as she dodge and bock multiple punches from Tiger

"dammit! how is he predicting my cat combat'" Tiger thought with a growl as he aimed multiple punches and kicks at Magne only for her to dodge, block or parry each one of them

"you're not!!!!. . . a real hero!!!!" Spinner said as he swung his blade at her numerous times only for her to narrowly dodge each one

"you brough this on yourself you fake!!" Spinner said as he swung his sword downwards to cut Mandalay only for her to jump back dodging the attach

"'jeez his persistent'" Mandalay thought through gritted teeth

"as are you!!" Spinner said as Mandalay's eye widen in shock when he suddenly appeared above her out of nowhere "it's time to knock you off your pedestal!!" Spinner said as he was about his swing his swords to cut her in half when a kick and a punch suddenly shattered his sword to pieces

"huh?" Spinner look on in shock at the two person arriving

"Mandalay!! it's Kota! he's safe!" Izumi said as Mandalay's eyes widens in shock and relief

"you found him?" Mandalay asked her in shock and disbelief

"yes, and we have a message from Aizawa sensei!!" Izumi said "we need you to use your quirk telepath and tell everyone in class A and class B that Eraser head has granted them permission to use their quirks and engage in combat with the villain!!!" Izumi said as Mandalay nodded before she used her quirk to inform the students

"'everyone in class A and class B!! in the name of the pro hero Eraser head you are granted permission to use your quirks and engage in combat, I repeat, use your training, you may fight these villains'" Mandalay's voice echoed through all of the class A and class B students

"'I hope you know what you're doing Eraser'" Mandalay thought

"raghh! you fake!!" Spinner said with a growl as he took out a rambo knife and rushed towards Izumi and swing his knife towards her only for his wrist to be caught by Momo much to his shock

"nice try, but you talk too much copycat" Momo said with a smirk before she cocked her fist and punch Spinner right in the gut making him gasp in pain before he was launched back crashing to a few trees

"both of you get back to camp right now!!" Mandalay said as Spinner slowly got up form the ground and rushed towards her "you need to treat those injuries!" Mandlay said to Izumi

"I'm fine!, they'll heal in time" Izumi said

"I'm sorry, but we can't" Momo said "I need to help my classmates get back to camp, it is y responsibility as class rep to look out for they're well being" Momo said

"Mandalay! I need you to send one more thing, the villains, I know what reason they're here, they're after Kacchan, please you have to let the others know!" Izumi said as she powered up one for all and rushed towards Magne

"Kacchan? who's that?" Mandalay asked her in confusion "no wat stop!!" Mandalay called out to her while Spinner use the distraction to his advantage as he was about to stab her with a Knife only for Momo to kick him away

"a boy named Katsuki Bakugo!! he's the one they're after" Momo said as she dodge a knife form Spinner before socking him across the jaw before she and Izumi rushed towards the woods to fin they're other classmates

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