chapter 4: the USJ attack part 1 and Tobi

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...the bar was silent as Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri were getting ready to attack the USJ any second now 

"Kurogiri is everyone ready" Shigaraki asked as he looked at Kurogiri

"yes Master Tomura everyone is ready to be warp in the USJ" Kurogiri said patiently

" and the Nomu?" Shigaraki asked getting annoyed that they were not there yet

" yes it is ready" Kuriogiri said as Shigaraki scratch his neck in irritation

"THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE WE WAITING FOR??!!" Shigaraki yelled at him as he glared at Kurogiri

"patience master Tomura, master has some announcement to make" kurogiri said as he looked at the empty monitor

"what--" he was cut off as suddenly the TV monitor turned on revealing a man with messy greyish white hair and black eyes

"you know Kurogiri is correct Tomura you need to learn some patience " All for one said as he shook his head

Tomura was gaping at the man as he wondered how his master got his face back

"m-master y-you're face h-how" Tomura asked as he stuttered to get the question out

All for one chuckled " I see that you notice " All for one said as he look towards Tomura " I recently got it healed call it a favor from a friend"

Shigaraki nodded although he was still in disbelieve 

"now Tomura someone will join you in you're attack in the USJ he will be here in a minute" All for one said and as if on cue a swirling vortex opened up and came out a man wearing a black cloak with red clouds on them and a orange spiral mask with one eye hole, he had black messy hair hidden behind his mask

"now Tomura someone will join you in you're attack in the USJ he will be here in a minute" All for one said and as if on cue a swirling vortex opened up and came out a man wearing a black cloak with red clouds on them and a orange spiral mask with...

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the man landed softly as he looked around before noticing the people Infront of him 

"hi I'm Tobi nice to meet you Shiggy-senpai" Tobi said in a childish voice as he wave his hand excitedly in front of them

shigaraki deadpanned before looking at the screen where his master is" master who the fuck is this guy" he asked

"Tomura meet you're new teammate Tobi, Tobi meet Tomura Shigaraki your new leader" All for one announce as he introduce the two

"YAY" Tobi cheered as he pump out his hands in the air while Shigaraki looked dumbfounded his mouth slightly hanging open

"he was the one who retrieve the files for the USJ along with the files of the students yesterday" All for one said

"yup!!" Tobi said in a proud tone as he cross his arms triumphantly

"you're kidding right?" Shigaraki asked his master hoping it was all a big joke

"no young Tomura he is the newest member of the league of villains " All for one said in conformation

"NO FUCKING WAY!!" Shigaraki shouted as he pointed at Tobi who was innocently preoccupied by a butterfly that somehow made it's way to the bar while Tobi was muttering "wow" admiring the creature

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