chapter 54: Izuku vs the Bakugo retrieval team!! the fated reunion!! part 1

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. . . It's been a week since Izuku's death and funeral and Momo was currently in her room, alone laying in her bed sobbing in her sleep

The room is dark with no lights turning on. She just lay in her bed with a blanket covering her body while sniffling a little. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying so much, and her nose is runny because of tears. She's been crying in her sleep ever since he was gone, as she couldn't erase the image of her best friend, her lover's cold dying face inside of that casket, cold and dead from her memories

She tried to distract herself by reading a book or turning her phone for anything to distract her, or walking through her mansion. But nothing seems to be working, she couldn't get her mind out of it no matter what. The memory of her childhood friend, her lover laying on that casket, dead would not go away. Momo stared vacantly at the window for a couple of minutes, his scream and yelling for help still haunting her head.

On the day she found out his death, the day of his funeral, was the worst day of her life, she felt her world fall apart when she heard the news, she felt empty, broken, like a missing piece was taken from her, like when he died, a part of her died with him

She's just laid in her bed there while holding tightly onto an old teddy bear that Izuku gave her during one of her birthdays.

A couple of days after Izuku's funeral, the Yagi came to check on Izuku's old room and they decided to clean it up after a long time.

It was there that they found his journal of heroes analysis and some of his belongings. The room itself was filled with all might merch and some hero memorabilia, it didn't have any furniture other than a desk, his closet and his bed and just some old dirty clothes.

Izumi tried to give Momo the old journal as a sign pf forgiveness and at first, Momo hated it, she absolutely wants nothing to do with Izumi let alone accept anything that came from her dirty, bloody hands, but the memory of Izuku and how he would often talk about heroes to her flashed into her mind, she couldn't deny it, she couldn't just throw away the last remaining memories of him just because of her hate towards Izumi, so she roughly took the journals from Izumi's hand and left without saying a word

Momo walked home that day to clear her mind, she began to skim the pages and read what was in the journals and when she saw it, she completely broke down and sobbed harder than ever. It broke her heart to know that her childhood best friend, her lover was truly gone, and that the only remaining memories of him was this journal and the times they spent together. Her eyes began to fill with tears, as reality had finally hit her, Izuku was gone and there was no way she would be able to see him again, her best friend, her lost love was gone, and she felt absolutely powerless to do anything about it, if only she had persisted on convincing him to stay with her and er family instead of his home then he would still be alive, if only she has been there more for him, then maybe she could save saved him, they could have been together fight now. she couldn't deny, some part of her believed that it was her fault, that she was the reason why his dead

Since then, she's been in a deep depression and won't leave her room or eat any food or even sleep at all, which cause her parents to worry even more.

Her parents has been worried sick about her, they knew how hard it must have been for her, losing someone you love, and each time they tried to get her to come out, to have breakfast, lunch or dinner with them but she just ignored them, preferring to stay in her bed and sobbing while looking at a old photo of her and Izuku, she hasn't gotten much sleep either, cause every time she closes her eyes all she could see were the nightmares, she saw his death over and over again, which would end up with him in that same old casket, cold and dead, which would cause her to wake up in a middle of the night panting heavily with her body covered in sweat, which would cause more sleepless nights. and the only times she would leave her room to grab the food her parents prepared for her for food or goes to the bathroom, besides that, she just lays in her bed while holding the doll tightly while crying in bed. She felt broken and alone, like a missing piece pf her heart was taken from her, like her very should was ripped from her body, and now she wants nothing more than to die just so she could reunite with her old love once again, she even thought about ending it all just so she could see him again, but the thought of the distraught looks of her parents stopped her, preventing her from going through with it

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