Chapter 59: the final clash!!!

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. . . Previously on the cycle of hatred. . .

Soon, More and more Memories flooded her mind, flashes of a young Izuku and herself training together, laughing, and supporting each other. The bond they had formed over the years fueled her determination to protect him now. She couldn't let him succumb to the darkness that had taken hold of his heart.

With tears falling from her eyes, Momo felt a surge of adrenaline in her body, and with one last war cry, Momo pushed herself off the ground, stumbling slightly but refusing to give up. She clenched her fists, her eyes filled with a fiery determination as she subconsciously began to draw on the nature chakra all around her giving her a green feiry aura and markings on her face, subconsciously drawing in sage energy within all of the plant life available near her.

As Momo struggled to stand, her legs trembled beneath her, weakened by the battle and exhaustion. But she refused to let that stop her. With each faltering step, she focused on the image of a young Izuku, his hopeful smile etched in her mind. She couldn't let him down.

"Izuku, I won't let you lose yourself. I won't abandon you. I will save you!" Momo roared out, her voice filled with conviction and determination as she began to draw more and more nature energy, slowly healing the wounds her received from the previous battle earlier

With every ounce of strength she could muster, Momo propelled herself forward, her speed enhance by her new sage mode boost, her heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of the fierce battle unfolding all around her. Their movements were a blur of power and speed, the air crackling with the release of their abilities. the wounds on her body now long healed and forgotten. She vowed to fight alongside Izumi, to bring back the light that once shone brightly in Izuku's eyes.

. . . Back with Izuku . . .

Izuku stared in shock and horror at the acene before him, no sound was heard other than the sound of the Chidori's thousand chirping birds slowly dwindling away. Just as Izuku was about to lunged at Izumi forward with deadly precision, with his Chidori crackled with electricity, his eyes filled with a twisted determination. The air crackled with tension as his hand moved closer to delivering the fatal blow.

But just as Izuku's hand was about to pierce through Izumi's chest, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them, like a guardian angel. It was Momo, her face a mask of determination and selflessness. With a swift and fluid motion, she positioned herself between Izuku and Izumi, her left shoulder taking the full force of the Chidori, going right through her back and creating a fist sized hole much to Izuku's shock and horror

. . . Currently on the Cycle of Hatred. . .

. . .Time seemed to slow down as the world around them faded into a hushed silence. The only audible sound was the distant chirping of a thousand birds from the Chidori, gradually fading away as the electricity dispersed into the air.

Izuku's eyes widened in shock and horror as he stared at the scene before him. His Chidori had missed its intended target and instead found its mark on Momo's left shoulder, just inches above her heart. The pain etched across Momo's face was undeniable, yet she stood tall, refusing to let it overshadow her resolve.

Blood trickled down Momo's arm, staining her all ready tattered and torn dress. Her eyes locked with Izuku's, and in that moment, a range of emotions flickered through her gaze - sadness, determination, pain, and an unwavering strength.

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