chapter 61: preparing for the provisional license exams! and Izuku's vengeance!

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. . . previously on the cycle of hatred. . . 

Izuku stood atop the tallest building in the city, his onyx eyes scanning the sprawling campus of Aldera High. The setting sun cast an orange glow over the school grounds, painting a picturesque scene. Students laughed and chatted, unaware of the darkness that was about to descend upon them.

"Such innocence," Izuku whispered to himself, as a smirk slowly spreads across his lips, his Sharingan glowing an eerie red

"They have no idea what's coming." Izuku said as a gust of wind tousled his unruly black hair hair and Akatsuki cloak, as if nature itself acknowledged the change within him. Izuku's heart pounded with excitement, fueled by a newfound power that coursed through his veins.

"I've always been the the quirklesss loser, a worthless freak," Izuku snarled continued, his voice growing stronger. "But now, it's time for my revenge, it's time for them to witness my wrath." Izuku said as his gaze narrowed, focusing on a group of students below. They laughed and joked, unaware of the darkness that was about to befall them.

"Heroes are supposed to protect the weak," Izuku muttered, a hint of amusement in his tone. "But what happens when the weak become the hunters?" Izuku said as he leaped down from the building and gracefully landed back to the ground

Izuku quickly created four clones and gave them all a nod

"You all know what to do" Izuku said as the clones nodded before they split up, standing in a square formation before weaving through a set of hand seals

"Ninja art: four barrier flames formation!" The four clones exclaimed in unison before a barrier made out of purple flames emerged from the ground and covering the whole campus, preventing anyone from getting in, or out

"Prepare yourselves, Aldera High," Izuku said with a smirk as he slowly walked towards the school while drawing his blade from its sheathed

. . . .currently on the cycle of hatred. . . 

. . . The graduates class of Aldera High School had gathered in the auditorium for their long-awaited reunion. The room was filled with laughter, joy, and the sound of old friends catching up. They were reminiscing about their high school days, sharing stories of triumphs and failures, and reliving the memories that had shaped their lives.

As the evening progressed, the conversation turned to the upcoming program that was scheduled to start. Everyone was excitedly discussing the various activities and performances they had planned for the night. The atmosphere was electric, with anticipation hanging in the air.

"Huh, shame that Bakugo and Yagi couldn't make it" a person said

"Yeah, bur it's understandable, they must be really busy training to be pros, especially after what happened" another one answered

"Speaking of which, have you guys seen the news?" Another one asked only to be shush by his friend

"Shush! Are you an idiot! Don't speak about that here!" His friend harshly whispered, he quickly look around in fear to see if someone was listening in , as if saying HIS name was taboo

"Alright, alright geez" the person said with a shrug "hey how long do you think till the program starts?" He asked them

Suddenly, amidst the cheerful chatter, a hush fell over the room. The sound of slow, deliberate footsteps echoed through the hall, causing heads to turn in unison. The classmates' eyes widened as they saw Izuku Yagi, or as he now calls himself, Izuku Uchiha. their former classmate and punching bag back in their middle school days, standing kn all his glory with his Akatsuki cloak on and his eyes glowing an eerie red, with a twisted smirk across his face

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