chapter 10:sports festival part 3: battle tournament and tailless tailed beast

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...Momo, Jiro,  Kaminari and the rest of their friends were currently walking towards the cafeteria as they were chatting with each other about the cavalry battle

"you're really holding out on us Iida I had no idea you could do that" Uraraka said

"rest assured it wasn't my intention to deceive you I was just being strategic" Iida said with his hands in a chopping motion" I merely thought having an ace in a hole will be a good surprise for my opponents" he said as Uraraka nodded before noticing someone missing

"hey has anyone seen Todoroki-kun?" Uraraka asked as everyon ejust shrugged their shoulder not knowing where the bi colored haired boy was

"Man!! that Cavalry battle was intense glad we made it into third place though" Kirishima said as he stretch his arms

"no kidding I'm still I'm still sore from all that running " Kaminari said 

"man!! I still can't believe that you trick us like that Yaomomo "Mina said with a pout as Momo just smiled sly towards her

"sorry about that Ashido-san but I knew that every one would be after me due to my headband  and would do nothing but obtained the 10 million points for themselves so I have to find a way to trick everyone  somehow and creating a fake headband was the most logical choice" Momo explained as the others looked at her in awe

"at least you guys got in" Tsuyu said in a gloomy attitude "Congrats Yaomomo, Mina, Uraraka, Jiro and the rest of you guys" Tsuyu said as the others nodded in gratitude at the congratulation 

"thank you Asui-san" Momo nodded in gratitude

"yeah thanks Asui" Jiro said with a smile aimed at her friend "but it was all Yaomomo's planning"

"yeah it was all because of you that we won first place Yaoyorozu" Kaminari said the others agreed with him

"thanks everyone" Momo said gratefully with a smile as she blushed at their praises

"thanks Tsu but Bakugo only asked me to join because I can melt Todoroki's ice It's not like I helped that much" Mina said gloomily

"nonsense Ashido-san I'm sure you helped a lot" Momo reassured her friend "and you're pretty strong in your own right so try to make it up for the next event"

"yeah thanks Yaomomo I needed that" Mina said as she instantly cheered up "well at least I got some tea out of it" Mina said with a mischievous smirk on her face

"how about we get some lunch to celebrate then you can tell us about this tea of you're Mina" Jiro said as everyone nodded in agreement as the continued to walk towards the cafeteria

Izumi was about to walked off the cafeteria as she felt a hand on her shoulder making her stop in her tracks as she turned around

"T-Todoroki-san?" Izumi asked as she was confuse as to why Todoroki stop her

"Yagi can we talk" Todoroki asked with a serious expression as he walked off to an empty hallway Izumi following behind him confuse as Bakugo saw their little interaction and decided to follow them


Endeavor was about to walked off when he heard an all to familiar voice behind him making hi angry

"YO ENDEAVOR!! LONG TIME NO SEE LET'S CATCH UP!!" All might said with his signature smile towards endeavor

"All might" Endeavor said as he turned around to glare at his rival


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