chapter 24: Hosu attack part 2 and stain's speech

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...Previously on the cycle of hatred

"you two are strong I'll give you that, you managed to fight me this long and that's very impressive" stain said towards the two of them "however your still not strong enough to beat me"

"they are countless false heroes around here who are all talk, but Madara was right about you, you are truly worthy of staying alive so be grateful that I spared you" Stain said towards Momo "you're different form these three, now I think it's time for me to finish my job, and I think I'll start with you revenged boy" Stain said as he began to walked towards Iida

"wait! don't! stop! stop it get away!" Izumi and Momo both yelled at him to stopped as Stain's blade was inches away form Iida's neck ready to cut it open as Iida looked at the blade in his neck with anger and fear in his eyes

"time to die, hero" Stain said as he was bout to plunged the blade into Iida's neck when he jumped back when a large stream of fire was suddenly launched towards causing him to jump back to avoid the attack

"Someone else to get in my way, today has been full of interruptions" Stain said in an annoyed tone as the four of them looked towards the entrance of the alleyway to see Todoroki with his left side on fire

"Yagi! you need yo give more details in times like this, I was almost to late this top this guy" Todoroki said as he held up his phone revealing the GPS location that Izumi had sent him before he put it back into his pocket

. . .

"Todoroki? you too?" Iida sked him in shock

"yeah are you guys okay?" Todoroki asked them as they all nodded

"yeah we're fine but me, Yaoyorozu and Iida are paralyzed and we think it's Stain's quirk" Izumi said asTodoroki nodded "Iida's badly hurt and native is unconscious' she said as Todoroki looked towards the unconscious pro on the ground

"how did you get here?" Izumi asked him as she sighed in relief that help finally came before her eyes widen in shock when she saw the flames on his left side "wait hold on, your using your left side?" Izumi asked him in shock

"how did I get here? good question, your message took me a while to figure out next time try to send more than just your specific locations" Todoroki said as he put out the fire from his left side before he got into a fighting stance while eyeing Stain warily "you're not really the one to send out cryptic messages with out a reason are you?' he said as Todoroki sued his right side to freeze Stain on his place only for him to jump up avoiding the attacks

"so I figured that you were in trouble and asking for help, everything's okay the pro heroes will be here any minute" Todoroki said as he sent a wave of fire towards Stain only for him to jump up dodging the attack once again

"let's talk later! Todoroki! you have to be careful if you get cut and he consumes your blood then you'll be paralyzed! he controls he's enemies actions by swallowing it! that's ho he got us! don't let him cut you!" Momo said as Todoroki nodded

"right! no cutting, so he ingest blood to keep people form moving, that explains the blades" he said as he sent another wave of fire towards Stain only for him to dodge the attack once again before Todoroki made an ice slide placing the others besides him in safety

"right! no cutting, so he ingest blood to keep people form moving, that explains the blades" he said as he sent another wave of fire towards Stain only for him to dodge the attack once again before Todoroki made an ice slide placing the others bes...

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