chapter 66: the battle of wills and the three tails jinchuriki revealed!

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. . . . previously on the cycle of hatred . . . .

Iida and Izumi continued to run towards the evacuation center while carrying the injured people with them

"'even if this weren't a test, i would still reach out to save those looking for help, cause I'm sure that's what my brother Tensei would have done" Iida said as he and Izumi continued to run towards the evacuation center while carrying the injured people with them

"Where almost in a safe place, don't you worry" Izumi said to the small child she was carrying as she continued to run with Iida until they finally saw the evacuation center

"There it is!" Izumi exclaimed before she and Iida quickly quickened their pace

"You there! Let me see that boy!" A girl who was treating the injured turned and quickly approached them

"Alright. He was hurt his head but my friend managed to heal him quick enough" Izumi said as she handed the boy to the girl who then proceeds to look him over for some injuries lets the boy go.

"The same goes for mine, he was hurt but my friend managed to patch him up pretty good" Iida said, gesturing to the old man he was carrying in his back

The girl quickly got up and quickly looked at the old man, quickly looking him over for injuries like he did with the small child

"Yeah, they look fine, looks like your friend had helped them up pretty good. Carry him to the space over there on the right." The girl instructed, earning a nod from both Iida and Izumi

"Yes ma'am." Iida and Izumi both replied in unison before gently picking up the old man and small child before transporting them to where the girl had instructed them too

"Yagi, Iida!!" A familiar voice said as the two of them turned around to see Momo and the rest of their classmates all running towards them carrying injured civilians

"Help us with the injured, I did my best with my medical ninjutsu but I'm nowhere as good as my aunt yet, some of them need real medical attention" Momo said, earning nods from Iida and Izumi before they helped their classmates gently laid down the injured H.U.C. members before the wall suddenly exploded, startling the students and making them all look on in shock

"What was that?!" Multiple students asked in confusion before suddenly all stood frozen in fear, unable to move a muscle as the sky above them turned a haunting, deep, ominous shade of blood red, casting an eerie glow upon the surroundings.

"'w-what the hell's going on?'" Momo suddenly thought in shock before the air around them grew thick with an overwhelming sense of malice and killing intent to washes over them like a tidal wave, causing their hearts to race uncontrollably in their chests and their bodies to shake in utter fear

"'what is this feeling? What the hell is happening?'" Momo thought in panic, struggling to breath and having a small panic attack while chills ran down her and the other student's spines, sweat poured from their trembling bodies as they struggled to take in breaths of the suffocating atmosphere. The atmosphere was thick with tension and fear as the students are gripped by an indescribable sense of dread gnawing at them from the inside, with some students even dropped to their knees, gasping for air and clutching at their chests while some even threw up in sheer panic in the face of this overwhelming presence.

Momo coughed heavily, struggling breath and even keep her eyes open for that matter. Momo squinted her eyes, trying to see with in the crimson haze when her eyes suddenly in shock when she faintly saw the haunting silhouette of the unmistakable figures of the Akatsuki emerged from the thick fog, their dark cloak billowing behind them, sending shivers of dread through the paralyzed students.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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