chapter 32: Movie 1: the two heroes!! part 1! The trip to I-Island!!

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. . .California, USA. . .

eagle flew towards the sky with people walking and chatting below them in the streets of USA, California until a loud explosion was heard followed by a gust of smoke as the people screamed and ran away in fear before the smoke cleared away as a villain ran towards the street one was blue and beastly and the other clad in red as they escape from the scene and stir up a public panic

"it's a villain!!" a civilian screamed in fear

"let's get off the streets!" another one said as they ran far away form the villains

"HAHAHAHAH!! TEN MILLION DOLLARS JUST LIKE THAT!! I LOVE THIS JOB!!" the villain clad in red said while laughing maniacally before the blue villain grunted when they saw police cars Infront of them before two heroes appeared Infront of them blocking their way

"your crime spree ends here!" said the hero wearing a black bodysuit decorated with various electric imagery and a long red cape as lightning began to cackle all around his body

"Stand down!!" Electplant said as he sent a blast of electricity towards the villains "you're up cow lady!" he said to the woman dress like a cow girl a pair of horns above her head

"ya'll are finish!" cow lady said as she rushed towards them before she suddenly transformed into a cow

"go ahead and try to stop us!!!" the villain clad in red said before he launch multiple missiles towards the two heroes before the blue beastly villain leaped up as he was about to land in a car where a family sat causing there eyes to widen in horror

"don't stop! just crush them!" the villain clad in red ordered the beastly villain but before the villain can land on the car and brush the family a fist suddenly made contact with the villain's stomach before they were sent flying back

the Family slowly opened their eyes to see a man with blonde hair wearing a blue varsity jacket Infront of them

"fear not citizens! everything is fine! you're safe before I am here!" the young Toshinori said as he turned around and gave the family a bright smile while their two daughters began to smile as they look in awe at the hero Infront of them

"really? and just who the hell do you think you are?!!" the villain said as he slowly got up from the ground

"a hero form Japan! who just so happens to be passing by!" Toshinori said as he turned around to face the villain

"ha! I'll send you back home into a coffin! if they can find your remains!" the villain said as he turned his arm into a rocked launcher and sent multiple rockets towards Toshinori who simply slash his arms in an X motion just as the missiles exploded

"I'm sorry what was that threat again?-"Toshinori paused when he saw that the villain was now gone "running away already?" he saw the villain running away form him

"don't get a head of yourself Toshi!" a man said as a red futuristic car suddenly landed Infront of him

"they're fast! follow them Dave!!" Toshinori said as he hopped into the car

"you're impossible! your body always move before you think!" David Shield said with a small chuckle before he press a button on the car and floored the gas pedal making the car drove of at a fast speed quickly following the two villains

the villains continued to run in the streets pushing cars away form their path and causing some havoc before a red car suddenly came up behind them

"hey! some red car is following us!" the beastly villain said to his companion

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