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Plugging in her earphones in her phone, she rested the wire over her ear as she saw a person at her stop, a school bag on his back. His eyes looked down at his phone.

A curse fell from her lips, stammering back behind her wall so he wouldn't notice her. She forgot that he was there.

Micheal, Tyler's nephew.

Since he usually doesn't eat with teachers, Micheal would always join him in his class.

Friends, very close to the friend group and her. Which makes it even more weird for her to be near him right now, after fucking his uncle.

Taking a deep breath, she walked out, playing one of her playlist on Spotify.

He looked up at her, Kai immediately looked down at her phone, not wanting to make any social interaction with a guy.

She knew who he was yes—but it was 6:24 in the morning. They talk talk in school, but still.

"Good morning." He called out, making the girl do her infamous cursing in her head as she looked up at the guy. It's like he didn't know any social cues people give off to be ignored.

Her brown eyes shot back up to him. Looking at his smiling face with slight dimples indented on his cheeks, showing the light freckles dusted across his face.

"Morning." She smiled and leaped up the curb getting on her phone.

"Are you excited to get back at school, with our short summer vacation?" He smiled, talking about how they only had a few days since they had summer classes.

Kai kept her fake smile on. "Excited, very. Just want to party and try to get all A's and B's this year. And not my usual B's and C's with a couple of A's thrown in the mix." She chuckled, pushing some hair out of her face.

The friend group did hang out, just a bit. It was hard since some of them had to do summer classes to get the credit.

And going outside of school is kind of boring. There's only a few things you can  do in that town. You'll have to go down town to actually have 'fun'. And she couldn't really leave the house, since she had to study all time time, having to do classes in a short time to get her credits.

She wasn't joking at all.

There was a kid park down at that end, with a skate park and another kid park on the top of the hill, two terrible restaurants, a circle K, and a general dollar. If you really want something "fun" you'd have to go to the town over—which has a carnival three times a year.

Welcome to Huachuca City.

The 'carnival months' are September, February and June.

And their rides aren't really exciting anymore, unless your lower then the age of fifteen.

She tucked her black hair behind her ear. The wind had other plans as it blow on her, her hair lashing her face. Her eye twitches with annoyance.

Micheal chuckled at the girl's annoyance.

"You only have a few classes right? Are you excited to have free blocks?"

"Yeah." Kai nodded, hoping that was the end of the conversation. She started to get nervous.

Who could conversate so early in the morning anyways? Kai was afraid to slip out the fact of doing the deed with his uncle. She couldn't help but smile—thinking if Ryllie her friend were here. He would have been jumping at this chance shyly. Ryllie liked the boy after all.

"You and I are both graduating this year." Micheal stated frowning slightly when he thought of it again.

"Yeah, seems, unreal. So long in school and this is the end of high school. Next is college, or what ever." She laughed a little. Honestly she was scared. Not knowing what she was going to do when she gets older.

Behind School Doors (1)Where stories live. Discover now