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The lunch bell rang, and the kids went to advisement or lunch. But Kai and Aponi stood in front of their English teacher's door. "Sit down, and just stay silent. I'll be gone, BUT I'll be back in for the end." She eyed the students, took her car keys, and left.

"...don't we get lunch?" Kai asked, leaning over to her new partner in crime for this year.

She wasn't hungry, she was just asking.

"I guess not." Aponi shrugged.

The two walked to the back, sitting down int heir chairs.

Aponi had his legs up on the desk leaning on the chair, notebook on his thighs as he was sketching on the paper. His hair in his eyes slightly, though not as much as Kai's.

Aponi wondered how the girl could see. But girls had some weird things going on with them, so he wouldn't be surprised that they have magic.

Kai had one leg tucked under the other as she sat on it. Maybe it was asleep? No one would know until she stood up or fell.

"We could totally ditch right now, not gonna lie," Aponi stated. Looking out the window behind him, pulling the blinds down. He was right. No one was in the hallway.

"Be a good boy for once," Kai said, her voice slightly low. Which made it hot as hell.

Aponi snickered, seeing her lip curled up like they could read each other minds. ".....kinky," he whispered making her crackle.

Kai leaned back in her chair. Scrolling through her phone to see what she wanted to draw—who she wanted to draw.

"So, do you have a partner, a romantic relationship I mean," Aponi questioned, looking at her.

Kai turned to him. "Single as hell." She said defensively. Aponi rose a brow as she snapped her head from the question. "Why do you assume I have someone?" She asked, turning back down to the head shape she had drawn. Doing some chicken scratches to do the hair.

"Well, you'd seem like someone to date. You're date worthy." He commented.

"Thank you?" Kai questioned her response. She wasn't sure if he was hitting on her or was flattering her, but she will take it.

Aponi snickered slightly, rubbing the back of his neck, accidentally poking it with his pencil. His hand pulled back in response. Clicking his tongue as he looked at the drawing of his own character.

"Not in a weird way. Just that you're pretty cool. Chill, funny. I see you letting your partner do whatever they want." He said respectfully.

"Well...maybe that's my flaw. I try not to bug them and go deep into what they do, like asking where they were and who they were with. But then they get mad." She muttered, setting more pressure on her pencil when the lead broke. She didn't press the top to get more lead out, she stared at it.

"Funny right? Cause when I want to talk she'll just blow me off like I'm nothing to her. And then the next thing I know she's ignoring me and talking trash about me to her friends. Then I'll apologize. I'll apologize to try to set things right. But when she gets mad at me for making friends. Then she goes on a date with some dude." She clicked her tongue and dropped the pencil in her hand.

"And then she breaks up with me, saying I was the selfish one. And then she dates some dude a week later and treats him like a king. Not asking one damn thing of him when she asked me to get her everything. And I tried my fucking best." She cursed.

Aponi cleared his throat. "Um, well... I was not expecting that." Aponi muttered, Kai looked back at him and laughed.

"My apologies." She smiled lightly.

"But..she doesn't seem worth it. It doesn't seem like she liked you if she moved on that fast and you're....well distraught is an understatement." The man muttered, looking down at his sketchbook but back to her.

"You'll be a good partner, so don't worry. Someone will find out and jump on the opportunity to date you." He smiled.

Kai felt her cheeks burn slightly, as she looked at the man who was drawing too.

"How 'bout you? Anyone, you have your eyes on?" Kai asked, not getting a reaction out of the guy.

"Not one now."

The two sat there in silence though they were supposed to before—now drawing.

"You know, the physic teacher is kinda hot," Aponi said out of nowhere, making the girl choke on the piece of gum she had in her mouth. Kai swallowed it accidentally as she patted her chest, calming down.

She turned to the guy who rose a brow. "That was out of nowhere, at least prepare me for that." Kai set her pencil down, turning to him.

"Honest though." He shrugged, as she did too.

She said nothing, thinking of Tyler. His slight curly brown hair. Blue baby eyes. Muscles are noticeable even with a jacket on. He was smart and kind to others.

Kai thought of his light lips, his soft fingertips that brushed on hers once. He's cute, and rambled around her but not other people, which was weird.

Kai didn't even notice that a smile started to develop on her. "He is," Kai commented.

Aponi set down his pencil, putting his legs down as he rose to sit up correctly. "What would he be like in bed?" Kai felt her face blush even more at Aponi's question.

"Pardon me?" She asked.

"Like fucking, how big of a dick, gentle or hardcore. Would he be into BDSM or what?" He questioned.

"You know, when you're in physics, you suppose to be thinking about physics," Kai muttered.

Aponi looked over at his fellow ally, seeing her flustered state. "Oh, have you thought about it?" He snickered.

"Well...yeah." She muttered.

"But to make us move on from this topic, I think, he'll have a soft side. Do you know when guys try to care for you and give you attention? Then he goes to town, like, your mind explodes." Kai answered, her face heating up more.

"Yeah, I can see that," Aponi stated, nodding his head.

Kai sighed in relief, patting her face as she tried cooling her burning cheeks off with her cold hands. His body from the party passed into her mind. It lingered there, that good memory.

"You know what pisses me off." He turned to the girl, making her look over at him, lightly humming for her response. "Parents."

"Preach it, my dude," Kai said, as he chuckled.

He pushed his long hair back. "I don't want to do football, but my parents want me to. I don't want to go fishing, be an engineer, or whatever." He put his head on the table.

Kai rose a brow. "Do you have a job?" She asked, shutting her sketchbook.

"At my dad's mechanic shop," Aponi grumbled.

"Well, how old are you?" Kai added.

"18." He answered bored.

Kai looked at him weirdly. "Move out." She suggested.

"My dad will fire me for that." He answered.

Kai snickered at the boy. "Get a job somewhere else. McDonald's is hiring. I can recommend you." Kai answered.

Aponi turned to her, raising a brow-his thing he always does. "You'd do that, for a stranger?" He asked.

"What, I thought we were turning to friend territory." Kai pouted, as Aponi's lip twisted upward.

"Yeah, I'll do that." He answered.

"And I think we could call each other friends." He added.

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