• sixteen •

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"So you're Kai's friend." Aponi shivered to see the bald man in front of him. James is the top manager there. The oldest one too, though 43 wasn't that old.

"Yes sir." Aponi offered a smile, he had to go through a lot of lessons with Kai to be a good applicant.

"She's a good kid, works 8 hours shifts. Keeps everything civil, and works hard. It's the first time she has asked for something here. And it's for someone else's benefit." He muttered.

Aponi knew only slightly of James. But knew Kai looked at him as a cool uncle figure. Someone she could talk to easily and get genuine advice.

The questions were done already, it was just if he wanted to hire Aponi.

"... you're hired." James sighed, writing something on the paper. Soon asked for the time he is able to work, though it was all similar to Kai's.

He had a tour around the place, and given the first day, he'd have to come, tomorrow.


"Have a good day Kai." Kai went to the back to clock out. She felt the blissfulness in her legs as she walked back out to the front.

She ordered the food that she would have had normally at the break, but she didn't have one today. She turned away to go to the drink machine and fill her cup.

"Ah, Kai." The girl turned around to see Micheal with Lily.

"Hey." She smiled.

"I didn't know you were working today." Micheal smiled, as Kai chuckled.

"Originally I wasn't supposed to. But they were under staff and swamp." Kai smiled back.

Lilly waited by Micheal's side, holding the rim of his shirt seeing the toys on display they said they had. "Can I have a Lilo and Stitch toy?" She asked.

"Oh sweety, we have Teen Titans today, we ran out of Lilo ones." Kai pouted with the girl.

Steven, a worker there, noticed his fellow ally talking to the two. "Kai." He called out, the girl perked up and went to get the small bag of food.

"Hey did you two order?" The three looked back at the door to see, Tyler.

He had slicked his hair back today and was dressed in a suit. To say he was overdressed would be an understatement.

"Oh Kai, hey." He showed his pearly white teeth. He had some makeup on like he was going to the red carpet.

Kai, standing there baffled at this man. Never had she ever met someone in a McDonald's who overdressed like him. She met people shirtless, in bikinis, and people off of work. But not dressed like a movie star.

Was she complaining? Hell no.

"Yeah, hi." She muttered, keeping her usual greeting. Kai was dressed in her uniform, smelling of fries and her hands smelt of milk from the ice cream machine. Slightly sweating, she wore a hat with her hair pulled in a ponytail through the hole in the back.

She chuckled, feeling the huge gap between them now. "Well, I gotta go now, bye." She walked, walking past them.

"Kai, are you free tomorrow?" She turned back to look at him.

"Hm, Saturday?" She thought of her schedule, times, and dates popping up in her mind. "Oh I have work, I get off late." She sighed, as he bit his lip slightly. Kai felt her heart flip around.

"Well um, can I pick you up?"

"Yeah." She smiled, pushing the door open and taking her phone out when he turned around. She opened Snapchat, and pointed it at him. "Tyler." She called out, he turned, being perfect and she took a photo. "Thanks." She giggled.


Kai stayed in the truck with Aponi. "Sounds like a date, to be honest." The man said, turning the corner.

"Can it be?" Kai muttered.

Aponi laughed. It's been two weeks since school began.

And he's been friends with her since the beginning of school.

And with that, he's learned a lot about her. She's sensitive. She tries to hold her emotions in but always lets them go when she's alone. Kai is protective of her friends. She never knows what's going on in school being gossip or classes. She hates working but loves money. Kai doesn't like the outside, social gatherings, or anything with a lot of people.

It doesn't go one way, she has learned about him too. He tends to not be serious with things at school. Having a high GPA he doesn't pay attention to class. He tries to be out for a long time so he doesn't have to be home. He doesn't get about the school 'tea' but he knows the minimum. He hates shorts and would rather be resting and drawing.

"Hey, wanna stay over tonight?" Kai asked. Aponi chuckled.

His lips curled up in a smirk. "My parents would think that were fucking."

Kai visibly jumped from the accusation that may accrue. "Am I not your type?" Kai held her heart, pouting.

"You're hot, but no, I prefer men." He said honestly.

She nodded, pulling her hat off her head. "I get you." She chuckled. "This body is for one person anyway."

Aponi kept silent, thinking about her words. "Oh, so you were fucking, in class." She snapped her head to look over at him. "I knew it!"

"What...how?" She blushed, looking down at her phone at his picture.

"Come on, it's so obvious." He rolled his eyes, driving out as he looked over at her.

"Did you tell your mom?"

"If she knew I was sleeping with a 21-year-old, I would be dead." She laughed. "And adding on the fact—I technically work for him, and he's my teacher," Kai added.

Behind School Doors (1)Where stories live. Discover now