• thirty •

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Looking at herself in the mirror, Kai pouted, pushing her hair back out of her face, but putting it back to make it look slightly slimmer.

"Come on Kai." Aponi knocked on the bathroom doors but didn't care as he pushed them open. He was in a blue tuxedo, the tie was not correctly done.

She looked back a there hair she tried to do, but the curls has some stands sticking out. "I'm thinking I'm regretting my decision." She muttered.

"Kai, come on." Aponi pulled her away from the bathroom, and out to the living room where Tina was preparing the wall to look clean for them to get their pictures taken in front of it.

"Oh, Aponi, your tie." Tina chuckled, walking toward him as she started to fix it. "There, look at you." She smiled, taking a few steps back to get in position.

They stood close by, taking a serious one first and then messing around with the other ones. "Okay, you two have money right?" They shook their heads, trying to let the old lady calm down, talking out, making sure she was fine, they shut the door. The cold air hit them immediately, the wind blowing in the cold. They walked down, walking across the street to meet with Tyler and Micheal.

"Come on Aponi." Micheal beckoned to his car, which he barely uses.

They got in to pick up their other friends, waving by to the couple.

Tyler looked back at Kai, smiling. "You look...lovely." He said, pushing the strands of hair in her face behind her ear.

Kai laughed softly. Looking up at him with a smile pasted on both of their faces.

"You two, lover boy." She teased. He chuckled with her.

He helped her in the truck, shut the door, and went to the driver's side.

They pulled out, driving to the school.

"You know, just a heads up before you get your hopes up, I suck at dancing."

Tyler snickered. "I know." She gasped, faking her pain as she pouted.


They smiled, reached her hand out for his and he took it, driving with one.

They talked for a bit, Kai loving the nighttime sky. They soon arrived, seeing there were late by a few minutes. "Ah damn, I forgot my water." She muttered.

"Don't worry, some is in here already if you want to come back out." He got out, walked to her side, and opened the door, offering his hand. She took it smiling, hopping out but stumbled on her feet.

He looked to see her heels which were to cause. She looked down and back up at him. He smiled. "I got an extra pair." He opened the back door, showing the flats that he had for her, getting down to change her shoes. They set the heels in the truck and walked to the entrance.

They checked in got their bracelets on, walking into the building with the beaming lights.

With the loud music blaring around, she looked uneasy. Hating the experience already. Her head aching too much for her to deal with.

Kai held on to Tyler, trying to keep him close. "Do you party often?" Kai muttered, they stayed close to the door.

"No, I thought you'd like it." He muttered honestly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Both look at each other and laughed before walking out of the building, going away, toward the football field. Some kids were out too, though not that far. away from the place where the dance was at. They were going far away from the place, not really caring.

They sat on the top of the bleachers, looking at the grassy slightly dead field., the rain tickling them slightly. It wasn't hard, it was more of a sprinkle.

"It feels, weird being here after school." She muttered, resting her head on his shoulder. He grinned, leaning on her slightly, feeling her cold skin against his warm skin.

Tyler only gave a hum in response, resting his head on hers.

Both just talking, looking up at the sky as it became darker with more freckles of rain. It went silent for a moment, crickets being heard.

"You know..." Kai led on. "There's always a slow dance song." She whispered.

He went away from her to look at her, a smile on her face, the light around the field luminosity on her skin. "I thought you didn't know how to dance." He spoke.

"I tried to learn a little." She admitted with a shrug.

He got up. "Can I ask for a dance then, my love?" He held out his hand, bowing slightly.

Kai chuckled, her palm resting on his. "Of course." She answered, walking down with him, he made sure to be slower for her, seeing her pull her dress up so she wouldn't trip over it on the bleachers.

They walked on the field, Kai letting her dress go. The purple color matched so beautifully with his outfit. The light was to the side of them.

Tyler took her hand, her other one rested on her shoulder as he was on her waist, and they danced.

The sweet beauty of the love was amazing. The cricket provides the music, and some other bugs too.

Fireflies lit around them, making the experience more enchanting.

The slight sprinkle of the August rain fell on their skin and outfits.

They didn't stop, eyes staring at one another showing the love they held for one another.

Students who were outside noticed who they were, it was their favorite teacher and teacher assistant.

It was so obvious. Some took a video to capture the sweet moment to share with their friends. Others tried to keep themselves quiet to not disturb the two dancing away their heart contempt.

Tyler spun her in the air, to set her on her feet, both going faster.

"I love you, Tyler. I love you so much." Kai whispered.

"I love you too, Kai. More than anything in the world." Tyler chuckled, holding her closer.

Their chest pressed with one another.

It was a surprise to see them not fall or step on one another's feet. Maybe they were starting to sync with each other.

He spun her around, to pull her back into him.

Kai's dress started to stick to her body as it started to rain harder.

She smiled uncontrollably, her cheeks blessed him with her dimples. Making him smile too. "I've always wanted to dance in the rain," Kai stated.

"I've always wanted to dance with my true love." He stated.

Kai looked up at him. "I got what I wanted, how about you?" She whispered.

"I did." He leaned down. His lips touched hers as she smiled through the kiss slightly.

Behind School Doors (1)Where stories live. Discover now