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"Mr. Lee is teaching this class right?" Kai asked, peeking inside. Her face heated up from the memories she had there just a week ago.

The pleasure came back to her legs. Worrying that she was getting wet already.

She almost shook.

"Yeah." They walked in, and Kai looked around, seeing the same room, exact. The only thing that changed is clothes aren't on the ground with...certain...fluids.

Her mouth watered, swallowing it back down. The noise was loud enough for Ryllie to hear. "Ew." He nudged her.

"I guess this is where we separated," Kai muttered, watching as he took the seat in the back—happily a tall desk and not the small one where it touch his knees. Sometimes being tall isn't all that good.

"Yeah, have fun doing nothing for an hour and a half," Ryllie shooed her away after a few more seconds.

Kai stepped away from the door, waving off Ryllie. Not looking in front of her, causes her to bump into a person.

"Sorry." She looked up immediately, seeing the same blue eyes from the party.

The same blue eyes from the hall.

The same blue eyes that have been making her heart beat increase as if it was running a marathon.

Tyler scanned her body so intensely. He himself remembered their fun in that very room.

Her face heated up more, removing herself away from him. They stared at each other. Not noticing that some students noticed their interaction. But they didn't care, walking to class to see their friends there.

Kai couldn't control her eyes, falling down to his lips, gliding down more. She snapped out of it, quickly, looking back up at his beautiful blue eyes.

She parted her lips. "Day good...I mean." Her face heated up, and tucking her hair behind her ear she averted her brown eyes away from him. "You um, should have a good day. That's why I meant." She nodded.

Tyler watched her walk past him going away. Her hair swayed and bounced back and forth.

His lips parted. Feeling the blood rush to his face.

Now cursing at himself in his head. He's liked her for two years, and that summer they actually got along well.

But he didn't know if she liked him.

She was embarrassed around him, yeah, today's event showed that very well.

She actually ran, something he has never seen before.

Kai would just, walk or speed walk. But she only speeds walks when she doesn't know she's going fast.

So, the question was, was the party a huge mess up for him when he had sex with her?

Or, was that good?

She wasn't drunk, and she initiated it.

A long sigh left his lips when he entered the classroom.

Ryllie cringed from the interaction he just saw.

The thought of the two fucking in that class just made him gag slightly, not knowing where it was, and not wanting to be near it at all.

Kai was heading to the first commons with a few of the seniors or juniors graduating early. Having a free class period.

"Kai Ayers, please report to the office. Kai Ayers." She flinched, not knowing why.

She was a mildly good student at school. Not even skipped a class. Well—besides that one time in 8th grade when she cried in the bathroom for that, her friend and Kai went back to class after 10 minutes. She once yelled at the principal freshman year, though it was his doing that made her mad.

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