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Kai stepped off the bus, rubbing her eyes, seeing the routine has never failed her. Staring at the building in front of her which some would relate to hell and prison.

Having to admit she thought of it as both. Hating these eight hours a day, though it's technically ten hours from the bus.

She waved off to her friends to walk into her first block, not caring to grab breakfast or just hang around. Tyler lingered in her mind. Her eyes were fixated on her phone, her friends asked why she was going to class now, but she ignored them.

A long yawn left her mouth, not really liking the fact she was up at this time. She wished she really had summer break like normal kids.

She could totally do half a year for school. But she wanted to stay with her friends for the year. Since she was already not doing senior year she thought the least she could do was stay the last year she was doing fully.

Regrettable? Yes.

But would she change it? Not at all.

If she perfects for her right now. Her friend, the guy she has a crush on, not overwhelming by all the classes she has.

It was incredible, the best year ever she should say.

The only thing she has to do now is getting condoms and birth control if they will continue their lewd relationship.


She lifted her head, her messy locks of hair falling down her back. Tyler watched as the shorter locks cupped her face in the most perfect way.

Her lips were separated slightly, her brown eyes looking at his beautiful blue ones.

She stood slightly away from the door. He watched as she tuck her phone away in her jogger's pocket. "Hi." She waved, her fingers crunching down to her palm once more.

"Hey." Tyler smiled, standing up.

"You know, you don't have to come in early, right?" He asked, she walked up to him. Noticing the expansion from his area. There was a new desk next to him, his desk on the outer side as the new one was near the wall.

Kai rose a brow focusing back on him than the desk, adjusting her bag on her shoulders from the heavyweight. "Is this your way of shooing me away?" Kai snickered, walking toward him.

"Not at all. Just shocked you'd come early. Since you're just an assistant while class hours are in session." Tyler chuckled. Kai only shrugged, not caring for the time it was currently.

"Oh, I got a desk for you." He motioned to the new one she was eyeing in the beginning. Kai walked to it, looking at all the space she had, a brand new desk just for her, a rolling chair included.

Pretty neat.

Kai walked behind him, setting her bag near the wall as she pulled the bottom one has a filing set up. Noticing that it had students' names on it.

The middle one had nothing, very clean.

And the top one had something in it. A green velvet box. "Ah, is that yours?" She asked, pointing at it.

Tyler turned, smiling. "Open it." He answered.

She furrowed her brows, doing as she was told. She gasped audibly.

Beautiful jewel chocker was in the velvet box. "I thought it look great on you. Happy birthday." Tyler added the last part, not wanting her to feel guilty.

"Oh my, it's so lovely," Kai said, caressing it gently. The design was simple, something that she liked a lot.

Kai looked up toward him, seeing his eyes on her. A gentle smile crossed her. "You wouldn't mind helping me out it on, right?" She asked, leaning toward him.

Behind School Doors (1)Where stories live. Discover now