• twelve •

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Kai felt the tears blurring her vision once more. Tyler chuckled, wiping them himself. Not wanting her to 'strain' herself too much.

"You should go back to them, you don't want to seem rude." She looked down, Tyler frowned slightly but didn't address it.

"Eh, they didn't really want me there anyways." He got up, leaning on the desk. His legs open toward her. "Plus, you called me to come here."

Kai hunched down, it was an unknown number, but he still knew it was her. "And, you're crying. So I can't leave you." She bit her lip, feeling herself tremble from the emotions coming up out of her.

Tyler didn't want to touch her, not wanting to cross a line—if there was any. Though the was a high possibility there is none, and if so, it was crossed a long time ago since they already had sex.

"You shouldn't be with me," Kai muttered.

Tyler flinched. It was the talk about them that made her distance herself. His heart turned knowing that she didn't want to be known as his lover if they were.

"The talk in school about us?" He asked. She only nodded. He felt his heartache. The girl he loves doesn't want people to think that, even though they aren't, and it hurt his heart a lot.

"The teachers are the ones who are talking about it. So you don't need to worry about the students. Most of them don't see anything wrong with it. So you won't be looked down on." He looked down at her.

She shot her head up, showing her frail state. "And what about you!" She shouted—voice cracking with a heavy shake. "You have a job here you idiot! Are you not thinking about that? If that talk about us goes around, then you'll be fired or something!" Kai felt her heart twist seeing his hurt face from before. But then it gleamed with joy.

Tyler keeps a smirk on his face, sighing. She got up. "It's not something to smile about!" Kak shouted. "Can't you understand you'll get in trouble because of the talk?" She grabbed his shirt.

Tyler felt a blush come across his face. "I'm just, happy." He stared into her eyes. "You're worried about me." Kai felt her face burn to see his happiness.

"You're not thinking about it again." She muttered, dropping her head on his chest.

It went silent for a bit, he didn't know if he could touch her yet. Tyler took a deep breath, ready to ask. "Can I touch you?" He let out, ready to be denied for that wording.

"Yeah..." She muttered. His arms rose, automatically going around her waist. He took in the width of her body. Her frame against his.

It was magical.

No, it was divine.

"Don't worry, they can't fire me for that. And even if it was true, they can't do anything. I don't technically work for the school. You're not getting graded for class. And, your eighteen." He looked at her.

She looked up, seeing his gentle eyes. He promised her a world she thought of in her dreams. A world with love and care, one with a person that would never abandon you ever.

"Are you sure?" She asked, though not knowing why. His eyes told her that he wouldn't lie. Even if he wanted to if he was capable of doing it. If his language was only lies. He couldn't to her, he couldn't lie to Kai.

"Positive." Kai felt a goofy smile on her, she leaned in.

She wanted to kiss him.

Staring at his cherry-colored lips, parting. Kai remembered those lips she was so close to in the truck. The shock surged through her body when they kissed. What if they were on her lips now? Imagining it she leaned it unconsciously, parting her pair of lips. She stayed on her tiptoes.

Both matched their breathing to one another. Eyes on the lips of the other. Tyler's eyes flickered up to Kai's eyes, seeing she was thinking the same thing.

They wanted to be each other's person.

But he felt hesitation from Kai. It made his stomach drop when she pulled her hands away from him.

Already so fast, and having only known her for two years, in school and now being neighbors he was deeply in love. How did she catch his heart so fast?

Was it the ways she walked?

The way the wind blew her hair as she got annoyed every time it got tangled, so she cut it herself?

Was it when she chased after a cat to pet it like it was a foreign animal? Though she was allergic.

Maybe it was how she talked, with that cute stutter if she talked too fast. Getting into what she was saying of just going too fast to say something.

Or it could possibly be the times she goes out at night would stare at the stars above her.

Maybe the time she shooed some random person off the lawn?

Her kindness to the elder neighbors perhaps?

There were so many factors. Every small thing became large for him. Everyone's large thing became mega.

"Kai I love you." Kai flinched at the words like she never heard them. Through family, yeah. But through love and relationship, no. He put so many feelings behind those three simple words.

"Tyler..." She muttered, her eyes watered up. "I love you too, but..." Tyler felt his heartache more.

Tyler knew those words were going to come either way, but it hurt more to hear them in real life than it did in his head.

"I know." He whispered, trying not to feel the pain, trying to focus on her. "No, you don't." She looked him in the eyes, telling herself to say her feelings, her mindset.

"I do, have feelings for you. God, I do. But..." She thought about her words. "I have, some terrible things that happened to be to someone I thought I could trust. People betrayed me and left me. I'm not ready for a relationship, not romantically that is." She brushed her hair back.

Kai held on to his shirt with her good hand. Feeling the pain in her other hand now. "But I don't want to ruin a chance with you because I can't get over what happened to me before. I need time." She felt like being sick when she said those words.

Kai meant it, oh yes she did. She just felt sick from herself.

"I know, I'm asking for a lot right now-"

Tyler chuckled, cutting her off with his hands around her waist. "You're not. I've waited two years now, you're not going to shoo me away for asking time. It's my fault for not trying to slide in before. I can wait, just know that you feel it for me right now." He kissed her forehead.

Kai smiled. Huddling up to him. "I hope you know, that we didn't even do the test yet." She whispered.

"That's fine, I'll do it when I get home." He whispered back. They broke apart, he looked down on his chair smiling like won the world.

For him, he did.

He had a past himself. Abandoned by people. Taken advantage, not in an indecent way, but 'relayed' on. He had a heartbreak that hurt him too much when he was younger. But when he saw her, it was like all his pain went away.

Tyler glanced at the time, 20 minutes left.

"Hey." She called to him. He looked over, acknowledging her. "Can I, um. Well, I was." She tried to talk but felt too embarrassed to say it. "I was feeling good when we, were touching. So can I..." She glanced back over at him. Kai couldn't finish.

"Yeah." He opened his arms, and she got up from her seat, going to him.

She stayed on his lap his arms around her waist, her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes. Taking in his scent. A beautiful rosewood scent.

It matched him so well.

Kai shot her eyes, feeling herself drift away in the first minute on him. He felt himself about to drift away, but he kept himself awake, taking in her relaxing smell. It was coconut. He knew like the back of his hand. The scent she's been sticking with for the longest time.

It was her.

He felt her body relax. "Kai." He whispered, but she didn't answer. "Good night." He said, his hands threading through her hair like he's done this before.

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