• twenty-nine •

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"Wait you're actually going?" Myra asked.

Kai nodded, a smile pasted on her face. People would think that she won the lottery with that smile.

"You haven't attended a dance since seventh-"

"Eighth grade." Kai cut Myra off.

"And you just going for a man now?" Myra asked, offended.

Kai shrugged. "It's my last year, and well, I guess my special year." Her smile stayed on.

Myra sighed. "Look, I love you, and I support you doing whatever. But I think you're getting, in love."

Kai turned over to her.

The two were waiting for their friends to come back from the cafeteria.

"I think I am." Kai leaned back, her hands staying on her thighs. "And I think he's the one, I want to stay with."

The pale girl said nothing, seeing her best friend with the happiest look she has ever had made her smile.

It was amazing to see her like that. It was the best thing Myra could have asked for, for Kai.

Kai to be happy.

The group came back, talking about what to do at the dance, Aponi noticed the girl next to him. She was jittery, not knowing what a high school dance felt like from skipping out on all she could possibly skip.

"Kai, do you have something to wear?" Alice asked.

Kai perked up, trying to stay calm but she jumped a little. "Yes, Tyler and I went shopping yesterday for it." She giggled lightly.

Micheal felt himself smile, seeing her cheerful, over something so small. Her eyes sparked as she thought of the idea of being in Tyler's arms.


"Wait." She muttered. "Is there actually dancing there?" Kai whipped her head back and forth around her group. Utterly terrifying the thought of going and stepping on his feet.

"It's kinda like a nightclub. Also, you should bring water just in case the drinks are spiked." Myra said, not wanting Kai to drink something without her knowledge.

Kai nodded, taking it into account.

The bells rang, the group splitting in two and waving goodbye to each other. "I heard you almost burnt down a kitchen," Micheal called out. Aponi and Ryllie looked down at the girl. "Harsh, it was just a small fire." She pouted.

Aponi laughed. "Aren't you in culinary?"

Kai chuckled. "Yeah, but I was just distracted..." She glared at her friend.

The group walked in, Kai prancing to the back. She waited for Tyler to sit back with her.

He was talking to Issac, his dad.

Her brown dirt-like eyes stayed on him. Her non-blinking ways were kinda weird for some but Tyler smiled when he noticed her eyes on him. The students came in, talking amongst themselves as they normally do.

Waiting patiently for the class to start.

It was one of the few classes most students respect, like, and enjoy going to.

The two instructors actually care for the students and help them regularly.

Tyler is the one who is mostly asked since he's the teacher. He's fine with it, being free to answer questions as long as it's during school hours. He doesn't answer as much at night but he will if his dad is too busy or can't communicate with the class. He's thinking of offering after-school tutoring, as many kids asked for it. Students try to remain respectful to him, making them mostly distant toward him. As they don't know if they should treat him as a teacher or a student.

Kai tends to be the one who will answer questions when she isn't busy. Even at night. Kids ask her for help with biology during school hours too. They found out quickly that she isn't good at any other required subjects as she is in biology. Giving her the nickname 'Bio-girl' which she takes happily. They tend to relax more with her. Students say they feel more comfortable with her since they know she doesn't judge.

The two work well together, making the students have the best grades in any class.

"Okay, everyone." Tyler settled down them. They focused on the guy. In his hands was a packet of papers looking enough for the class.

It was Monday, which meant it wasn't a quiz happy.

He grinned happily, looking like he was excited about the news too. "Everyone's heard of the back-to-school dance. We finally got to know the time, cost, and stuff like that." He said, walking to the people in the front to give them papers to pass back.

"It's this Friday after school, from 7:30 to 9:30. There will be transportation for students. The second page is the bus stops."

Kai picked up the small packet in front of her seeing it was just two papers. Her eyes skimmed the first page. "There's no theme." He reminded, turning back to the front, and getting on the stool.

Friends whispering to one other to talk about it.

"And remember, don't bring alcohol or things like that. Teachers will be in the bathrooms from last year's dances, and around the place." He added, The class laughed slightly, the ones who went remembered the hectic party or were.

"If you're driving please be careful, and drive safely. Any questions before we go on to class?" He asked. The jokester of the class shot his hand up, smirking, leaning in the chair.

Tyler sighed, eyes landing on him. "Yes, James?" He asked, preparing for the question.

"Are you going to the dance?"

The teacher chuckled slightly, going through the slides for the class. His identically blue eyes like Tyler's went back to the young man, then to his slides.

The young man's gaze rested on Kai. Trying to see if she had any words to say. The girl smiled, going back to looking at the information. She had a small snicker on, just like most of the class.

"Sorry to disappoint James, but I already have a date for it." Tyler chuckled, his brown hair bouncing as he flicked his head back to get it out of his face. Kai giggled, reaching for her water as she started to drink it slowly, checking her laptop. Her body was positioned to the side, and her head tilted to the side to see the screen.

The class laughed, as James snickered, nodding, laughing too. "Is it a girl?" A female student asked.

"Yes, last I checked." The class erupted in amazement. Kai choked on the water. Setting it down. Students looked over at her seeing her flustered state.

Micheal almost went down embarrassed for her, trying to ignore this situation.

Ryllie thought about how fast they were going, remembering Kai's words once as she liked 'slow' relationships and getting to know her partner.

Aponi nodded, already knowing the details as Kai spilled it all out when she got home yesterday.

"Is she in this school?" James smirked, and Kai calmed down.

Tyler got up from his seat. "James, if your trying to flirt it's not going to work."

The class went back to laughing, gazing back at Tyler once more.

Behind School Doors (1)Where stories live. Discover now