• thirty-seven •

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"Oh, did you know there was an art museum?" Kai said, scrolling down her phone, trying to find something to do also, as he had the day planned out. She already told her mom, with very much persuasion, that she was going to stay out. Not coming back till Monday, since it was Labor Day. And today, Sunday.

"Never mind, I saw the art and it's a no for me." She looked up, groaning.

"We can check out another museum then," Tyler said, turning down the street.

"Oh, what if we do bowling? Please." She clasped her hand, the car parking as he took the keys out.

Tyler smiled at her behavior. "Yeah, we can do that."

Kai brightens up immediately."Really!? Oh my god, I love you!" She kissed him on the lips, going out the door.

He gave a cute chuckle, happy with her sweet behavior.

The two walked into the restaurant. Looking at the beautiful place. Tyler talked to the guy, and he nodded, leading the two to a more private area. Given the menu, he left.

"Um, Tyler. This is kinda pricey." Kai said. Her eyes scanned through the prices.

"I have money, don't worry." He skimmed through, deciding on what he wanted as he placed down the menu.

Kai looked at the names of the dish, nothing was appetizing at all. A girl came up, in her early twenties. "Hi, my name is Samantha, I'll be your waitress today. What drink would you like?" She stared at Tyler, not even hiding the fact she was interested in him.

"Mmm, what do you have?" He asked, looking up at her.

"We have soft drinks, wine-" she kept on rattling off drinks, only looking at Tyler. Kai noticed, her eyes staring up at Samantha, glaring more like it. Her hands clasped together, nails digging into her skin. Tyler laughed at Samantha's joke, making her squeeze her hand harder.

Tyler's eyes turned back to Kai, seeing her hatred gaze toward the waitress. "Um, I'd like a coke." He smiled, immediately turning back to Kai.

The girl giggled, turning to look at the girl, flinching from the dark glare she was receiving. "Um, what about you?" She asked.

"The same," Kai grumbled, putting on a fake smile. She nodded, walking away. Kai followed her with her eyes. Rolling them when the waitress got out of her sight. "Is she cute?" Kai turned back to Tyler. "Be honest, if she is. It won't bother me." She muttered.

"Kai." He took her hand. "I don't care about her, I care for you."

Her eyes turned away from him, taking her hand back to look through the menu. Tyler sighed but smiled as he leaned on his palm. "No need to be jealous," Tyler whispered.

Her cheeks burned from embarrassment, as she looked out the window next to her. Kai didn't know how childish she was being. "Sorry." She mumbled.

"I don't mind jealous Kai. I like her." Tyler said, looking out of the curtains to see a few people looking at her, specifically her chest. "And I get why, this place doesn't seem to have manners at all."

Kai followed his gaze, adjusting her position to look away from him to the side, her arms blocking any other view of seeing. "We could leave?" She suggested.

"I didn't want a cheap date though. I wanted you to see how reliable I can be." He muttered.

"Reliable is McDonald's." Kai winked.

Tyler laughed, pushing his hair back, looking at her and then at himself. "Aren't we overdressed for McDonald's?" He asked.

"Mmm, just a suggestion." She shrugged her shoulders, watching the waitress coming back.

"Can we just pay for this?" Tyler asked. The waitress looked shocked, agreeing and going to get the check already. He paid for the check. Going to sip his drink, but Kai stopped him. He looked up confused. "Yes?" Tyler questioned.

Kai cleared her thought, crossing her arms. "I challenge you, into a battle sir Tyler." She snickers.

"What do I get if I win?" He asked.

"Anything you want," Kai asked.

"Then let's do it." He said, sitting up straight, both of their hands on the table. "Go." He said.

They took the cup, chugging it, feeling the cold liquid fuzzing in their mouths. Kai cringed but kept going. He stopped, finishing seconds ahead of Kai. "I win." He cooed in victory.

"Yeah yeah." She pouted, both getting up, walking arm in arm together out of the place they were at for only a few minutes.

He went to go to her side of the truck, but she pulled down to his side. Tyler follow confused, till she opened the door gesturing for him to get in. He laughed, jumping in, watching her shut the door and go to the other side, a goofy grin plastered on. As if she won something.

Getting in next to him, he made sure she was all fastened in. Pulling out, going on the busy road.

Kai saw her phone brighten up, then go dark, signaling someone tested her. Taking it, and turning it on. She went to Snapchat, it was Aponi. Some articles about pregnancy symptoms, and parenting tips.

A slight eye roll, and tucking her phone back in her purse, she looked over at Tyler, smiling.

But her stomach turned, gagging slightly. Holding it she felt the pain turn to a higher level. Not wanting to alert Tyler, she held in her tears.

"Okay, so where should we go? Bowling now, or later?" Tyler asked.

"Let's do it now."

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