• seven •

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Kai sighed, rolling over on her bed, and looking at her wrist in pain.

"What if I skip-"

"No." Her mother said firmly.

"Boo." Kai stayed in bed, taking her phone from the stand next to her to go on TikTok for a bit.

Her mother left her to get to the door to see Micheal. "Umm...how may I help you?" Tina answered the door, looking at the man.

"Yeah, sorry for intruding so early in the morning. I heard Kai was hurt yesterday at school, I was wondering if she needed help at school or something." Micheal smiled.

"Yeah, she's getting dressed right now." She smiled, motioning to come in. "Do you want a drink? I can make a cup of coffee." She smiled.

"Oh I'm fine, I'll just wait for Kai."

Tina let him sit down, went to Kai, and informed her that her friend was there.

Kai walked out a few minutes later going to the bathroom to brush her hair.

"Hey." She muttered, seeing Micheal.

He stood up, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes traveled onto her but looked away, thinking about his next words. "Tyler said, he um...confessed," Micheal spoke softly.

"Uh, yeah he did." She walked to the door, her dog coming out to rub on Micheal for attention.

Kai slipped her shoes on as Micheal petted Tiki. The dog gave a smile as she walked away to go to their room once more. "You knew?" Kai asked, looking toward the door Tiki left through.

"Yeah, for a long time, I mean his feelings for you. The sex thing was just recently." Micheal stood up, getting Kai's face to fluster red brightly. "I know it may be weird. But could you not, like...be distant toward him?"

Kai gave a slight chuckle, fixing his jacket strings for the hood. "I wouldn't." Kai looked up at Micheal. "You know, he's lucky to have you around to be a cupid." She snickered.

Micheal gave a laugh, putting his hands in his jacket pocket. "So you know what I'm doin'?" He snickered.

"How can I not? Watched too much anime to see that you are trying to set me up with your uncle." Kai walked to the dining room. Micheal follows behind.

"You're not mad?"

"Mad? No. Just trying to..." Kai tried to think of what she was going to say next. Never had she ever in her life had someone try to set her up. It was a weird feeling. But also, her mind was still hung up on the two heartbreaks she had from the same person. The last person she gave her heart to. "...figure things out right now."

Micheal knew what she was trying to say. He's heard about her problems. Knew what she was going through. Halfway through freshman year, her heart broke. Then the same for the sophomore year. Kai didn't love anyone else in between that time.

Her heart was damaged by the same girl, that girl knew what she was going through. Damaging her.

Not like Kai hates her. She doesn't know what her feelings toward her are. Alice. Her friend, and ex-lover.

Kai tried many things to make her happy. Doing whatever Alice wanted. But then she would break up with Kai to just go date someone else a week later. Like Kai was nothing to her.

Michael didn't like Alice that much, not knowing how to deal with her when she broke Kai's heart multiple times. He was a true friend.

Kai tried to get over her during the second break-up, seeing Alice happy with her boyfriend now. She was over Alice don't get me wrong. It's just she's not over the damage yet.

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