How to be even.

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It was about 9 p.m. when Jungkook called Viola in the common room.

Jisoo and Taehyung were already present there.

The three stood side by side. Jisoo was still not talking to her. 

After few seconds, A woman entered, her hair seemed silvery from roots. Taehyung recalled Alac telling him that she was Jean, the woman who saved him.

Jean averted her attention over Viola, who twitched at the sight of her.

Jean averted her attention over Viola, who twitched at the sight of her

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"You know why you are here?" she asked.

"We are not kids, we can handle this by ourselves." Viola replied.

Maybe Taehyung was noticing too much, but Viola did not seem to like presence of Jean.

"Then sort out this matter right now." Jean was strict.

All the others were asked to leave the room. There were rumors that Jisoo and Viola were in some kind of cold blood. When it reached Jean , she was not happy about it, and so decided to solve it at once.

Since Taehyung promised his sister that he would stay with her, so he waited outside. He heard Jean and Jungkook having casual conversation, making him aware of the fact that she was his mother.

Jungkook left after few seconds, leaving the two alone.

Taehyung risked a glance at woman, at first he thought she might be thirty, but since she had a 23 years old son, he figured he might be wrong.

"You look really young for your age." he blurted out, regretting quickly.

Jean eyed him awkwardly, and then managed a hesitant "oh".

Taehyung raised his eyebrow and then looked down. He felt embarrassed now

"Alac told me you saved him and Jisoo." he carried the conversation.
"..and that you were a friend of my father?"

The woman nodded again. Taehyung soon realized that she does not talk much, or maybe she did not like him.

However, he did not prevent the questions in his mouth from unraveling.

"How did you survive when they tried to kill everyone?" his words were quick, as if this could make them harmless.

He shifted his gaze at Jean. He thought he asked something wrong, and gradually this thought converted into fact when there was no reply.

Jean finally looked at him, Taehyung could not search for the reply, since she had that blankness on her face. It never faded away.

She spoke this time.

"My survival was my biggest mistake."

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