60 minutes

24 4 1

An hour earlier...

Jin handed an in-ear to everyone.

"We would have exactly 45 minutes to carry out the mission." he spoke.

Taehyung shifted his gaze on him and then over Viola.

"...if everyone is not out by then.. do we have any plan B" he pondered.

"No! we don't." she stated.

He kept looking at her, as if the statement was not enough. She had him filled with so many suspicion, that it seemed gullible to trust only one side of coin.

"I can't seem to believe her." he whispered to Alac, who was standing beside him.

"me neither." Alac looked at him. "... I don't trust that Jin either."

"...apparently, only Viola believes him." Jisoo said, placing pocket knives under her socks.

"..that too, blindly." Taehyung mumbled.

Someone let out a scoff, Jimin. He walked towards Taehyung.

"Ironic, isn't it, Taehyung is doubting people.." he chaffed.

"..and Viola is trusting people." Mina added. 

Taehyung did not respond, his gaze leered on Viola's back, who, as if knew, turned around to meet his gaze. He did not avert his eyes away, instead stood straight.

She watched him for a while, and then signaled him to meet her by the door.

The two walked out of the room.

Viola unfolded her arms, shifting her posture to face Taehyung. 

"Can you stop glaring at me?" she complained, to which the latter could only scoff in annoyance.

"Like what?" he challenged.

Viola heaved a sigh, shutting her eyes close, momentarily. "Okay.. I've a way to make it better." she suggested, asking him to turn around.

Taehyung did as told.

Viola walked up to him, clasping a necklace around his neck. 

When Taehyung faced her again, he saw that her neck was empty, he was the one wearing her mother's necklace.

"Once this is all over, I'll let you meet my parents... return it back to me then." she said, her face as confident as ever.

Taehyung seemed confounded, he wanted to take it off but she resisted his attempt.

"It's - the only thing valuable to me.." she explained, "so I'm using everything I have to make you trust me." 

Taehyung did not want to, but, unexplainably, a smile crept up to his mouth.

"If you were in my place, would you have trust yourself?" he questioned.

"I was taught to trust people.. by a certain someone." she replied.

"..and I was taught not to trust people.. by a certain someone.." he imitated.

There it was again, the uncompromising dare from each side. 


Jin called her name, and so she was the first to look away.

"I've to go now." she spoke lowly. Taehyung nodded in understanding, watching her turn away.

They had divided themselves into segments.
Jin and Viola were to leave first,
followed by Taehyung, Jisoo and Jimin.
Whereas, Mina and Alac, were to leave the last.

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