A scar is not a wound.

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Jisoo took Mina to her room, giving her some spare clothes to change into.

Taehyung was in his room. Viola thought, this was strange. Strange, because usually, he would be asking her about any next plan she was thinking about; which she probably found annoying, but right now she wanted him to initiate a conversation. Because she obviously was unable to do so.

She threw the hair tie on bed, letting her hair fall down, her eyes falling on her reflection in the mirror, the bruise on her forehead was surrounded by dried blood. She leaned close to take a look at it, remembering the band aid that Taehyung gave her last night. It was still sitting on the side table. She kept on glaring at it, as if it was him. After a second or two, she picked it up and rushed towards the window, balling up her fist to throw it away, but couldn't.

'Ugh!! since when have I started feeling bad over some stupid things.'

Once again, she was back to staring at her reflection, she placed the band-aid on her forehead.

She was thinking about whether she should talk to Taehyung or let it all adjust automatically. Then she fought between her convictions of what to say to him, and then she thought, maybe she should just go to his room and kiss him, it would be less burden and no drama.

She ended up shrugging all these thoughts.

Her steps marched down the stairs, finding Alac sitting near the window alone.

"Why are you here?" she asked, taking a seat beside him.

"I could ask you the same question." Alac stated, averting his attention towards her.

Viola frowned her eyebrow, not understanding his remark.

"I was referring to the fact that the person who admires you alot, is just a door away." she explained, Alac and Mina were close, she knew about it, because it was something that had bugged her alot.

Alac chortled lightly.
"Well! I could say the same to you."

"What?" she was loud.

Alac sighed out, giving her a knowing look.
"Taehyung, I was talking about him, you two had a fight..."

Viola looked away, not really liking the fact that the latter was catching up to her.

"I overheard you two last night.... intense, I must say." he continued.

The female continued to nibble with her fingers out of habit.

"Whose side are you on?" she questioned.

"No-one's." he replied prompting her to roll her eyes.

"He is your brother, of course you'd take his side."

Alac quirked the side of his mouth.
"Are you on your side?" he questioned, catching her red-handed.

"I can't undo what's already done.." she was abrupt.
"..I-I had to make a decision, and so I made one. I cannot change that, how am I supposed to make him understand that?" she continued.

"By talking to him?" Alac chuckled lightly.

Viola narrowed her eyes at him, which only made Alac turn towards her.

"You scared all of us that day. Taehyung seemed to have felt that fear more than any of us." he paused, gaze changing all of a sudden, "..do you have any idea why?" he continued.

These words were let out very easily, which made the female wonder, if he knew. 

Alac knew that there was something in between them. Somehow, it did not trouble him. Viola was afraid that it might, but it did not, and it made her feel drifted.

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