Chapter 1

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Aether's pov:

I finally arrived. Our house seems amazing! And all of the members seemed really talented and willing to cooperate. I'm really excited about this whole band thing.

Ever since I was a little boy, I had a great passion about music, especially singing. My sister would always support me and tell me how talented I am. I wish she could see me now.. She would've been so proud..

My sister disappeared a while ago. My parents died when I was a little kid so she was the only one I had. I used to be all alone until I met those guys a while ago. To be honest I don't know them so well but I'm sure everything will go well. I mean, we all share the same dream after all, what could go wrong..?

"Why did I fucking agree to this"

I turned around to see a purple haired boy. His name was something like.. A scar and a mustache.. Dammit I forgot his name.

"H-hey there" I said, trying to start a conversation with him, maybe it would calm down his nerves.

But I was completely wrong. He turned around and gave me the most scary death stare I've ever gotten in my entire life.

"Don't fucking talk to me."

I just nod, stepping back a bit until my back hit someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there-"

"It's okay my friend, don't worry about it. Our fellow member here seems a little pissed today, I don't blame you for stepping back. My name is Kaedahara Kazuha, by the way. It's a pleasure to be here, thank you for the invitation"

He seems like the exact opposite of the mustache over there. He's so kind and his presence brings warmth.

"My name's Aether. Nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to working with you" I say with a gentle smile on my face.

"Me too, I really hope we can succeed-"

"YOOOOOOOOOO" A blue-haired boy said, interrupting Kazuha

"WASSUP YALL" The boy said, looking at us.

K: "Oh nothing much, we were just getting to know eachother a bit better"

V: "Oh we're introducing eachother? Well I'm Venti, my classmates used to call me Venti the bard because of my hobby of singing poems but you can call me whatever you want my friends"

K: "I'm kazuha and I write poems too!"

A: "Seems like we found who will be in charge of the song-writing" I chuckled.

V: "Leave it to usss"

H: "Heyo watcha talking about"

V: "heyy um.."

H: "oh my bad, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shikanoin Heizou, but you can call me Hei"

V: "I'm venti"

K: "Kazuha"

A: "I'm Aether"

X: "... Xiao.."

I flinch. When did he come here!? I didn't notice when he got beside me.

X: "I'm sorry... I scared you.."

A: "No it's fine don't worry"

H: "Why is that dude alone there?"

K: "Oh he's a little pissed ^^"

H: "Oooooooohhhh"

S: "stop talking about me"

K: "hi I'm Kazuha ^^"

S: "whatever"

K: "oh um.. And you..?"

He looks at Kazuha up and down. To be honest i am feeling nervous myself even though he is not even close to me. How is he so calm?

S: "Scaramouche."

K: "Nice to meet you Scaramouche ^^"



Third person's pov

The two of them run off. Kazuha and Scara got their suitcases and walked in to find their rooms and settle in. Xiao and Aether were left alone.

Aether could feel xiao's intense staring from behind and not gonna lie he was a bit too scared to turn around.

X: "They left. We should go too"

A: "o-oh um y-yeah you're right let's go-"

Aether grabbed his things and walked in with xiao following him.

They went into their rooms, settling their things until their heard a very loud and angry voice.

HEYO first chapter finished and I've already made so many mistakes. I kept switching between present and past which is kinda annoying for a reader i think. Anyways i apologize, I'm still new to writing so yeah.
I hoped you liked this, I'm gonna write the second chapter today if I don't fall asleep halfway cuz it's almost 1am.

Cyaaaa <33333

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