Chapter 33

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Third person's pov

H: "I-"

S: "Didn't you want this for a long time now?"

H: "yeah.."

X: "sorry to break it for you guys but we need to find the others"

S: "oh right-"

H: "the others are here too?"

S: "yes"

H: "oh God.. This place is dangerous.."

S: "I know thats why we gotta find them as soon as possible"

X: "yes.."

S: "should we go that way?"

H: "yeah I guess"

The three of them took off to find the others. They were walking silently for a couple of minutes. The only sound was their footsteps and xiao's deep breaths. He was getting really worried.. After all, he had to protect Aether.. In every other time line he died because he was unable to save him and now they're trapped here with no way of communicating with each other.

H: "are you okay Xiao?"

X: "yeah.. I'm fine.."

S: "guys look it's another puzzle-"

X: "the ground looks unstable"

S: "be careful where you step"

Xiao went first and Heizou followed. Xiao was almost at the end when he heard cracks from behind.

H: "oops-"


Scara grabbed heizou and pulled him back as the ground between them and xiao collapsed. They were now separated.

X: "oh no- what are we gonna do now?"

H: "you can take the path there, we can follow the opposite one"

S: "isn't it dangerous to leave him alone?"

H: "the others must be close. Plus we don't really have any other choice"

S: "alright.."

X: "I'll be fine, be careful guys"

H: "you too! If you find the others try to find an exit"

X: "mhm, bye"

S: "bye"

They then took separate ways. Xiao was walking alone in the dark when he suddenly heard a soft voice.

?: "Xiaooo~"

X: "aether!?"

?: "xiao where are you.."

X: "aether you sound sad.. I'm right here, where are you?"

?: "Xiao I'm scared.."

X: "babe don't be scared, I'm right here, where are you?"

Xiao felt his legs being weak as he slowly lost consciousness. He opened his eyes but he was somewhere way different from where he was before. He was outside. The air was fresh and kinda hot. The scenery was beautiful. He was confused. He has never been there before.

?: "Xiaooooo!"

A cheerful, familiar voice said as he ran towards a green-haired man, dressed in white and purple. He looked exactly like xiao but his clothes were different. Way different.

X: "who's that? Why does he look like me?"

(P= Past)

P. Ae: "Xiao! I'm back!"

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