Chapter 20

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Third person's pov

K: "Scara.. Scara please wake up.. Please.. Dont leave us.."

H: "how is he doing..? He's gonna make it, right..?"

S: what's going on.. My head feels so heavy and I can barely breathe..

Doctor: "normally he should get better by tonight. You took him here just in time"

K: "thank goodness.."

H: "Don't scare me like that ever again.. Please.."

Scara could hear them but his eyes wouldn't open. They felt so heavy and they were burning. The last thing he remembers is being on his bed when he suddenly got a really bad headache. And then Kazuha rushing inside his room a bit before everything blacked out.

He heard footsteps leaving the room. It must have been the doctor. He then felt soft hands cupping his.

K: "I'm sorry I left you alone there.. I should have stayed.."

H: "Hey it's not your fault. We couldn't have known this would've happened"

K: "I guess.."

S: "Zu.... Zu.... H-hei...."

K: "he's awake!"

H: "well not exactly but yeah"

S: what's going on.. Why do I feel so weak...

K: "you're probably wondering what happened.."

H: "your fever went up a bit too suddenly causing the headache and then your oxygen level fell down causing you to faint for 2 days"


K: "but you're doing better now.. And that's what matters"

H: "the doctors still haven't found out why your oxygen level fell but we hope it's not something serious.."

K: "you'll be just fine, we promise"

S: "mhm.."

K: "are you still feeling tired?"

S: "yes..."

H: "just rest. The nurses will take care of you. I have to go now since there is only one visitor allowed during night and it's Zuzu's turn. I'll see you tomorrow, k?"

S: "mhm...."

Heizou slowly walked out and sat outside the room.

K: "I'll go say goodbye to Hei, be right back babe"

S: something's off.. Why didn't they say goodnight in here? Are they hiding something from me?

Kazu got out and ran into Hei's arms, letting tears fall down slowly. Heizou hugged him and caressed his back.

H: "shhhhhhhhh.."

K: "we almost lost him.."

H: "he's fine now.."

K: "yes but the doctor said it might happen again- anytime- what if no one is there then? What if I accidentally fall asleep and don't notice..? What if.."

H: "just calm down.. If you want I can stay instead of you.. You need some rest too.."

K: "I'm fine.. I just.. Why did this have to happen.. Especially now that we just got together.."

H: "shhhhhh.."

K: "I can't lose him.."

H: "we won't lose him. The doctor said he'll get better"

K: "yeah, normally"

H: "he'll be fine, okay? Just calm down. Stressing out so much isn't good for your health and I don't want something to happen to you too.."

K: "alright.. I'm sorry.. You're right.. Everything will be okay.."

H: "good.. Now goodnight Zuzu"

K: "goodnight.."

Heizou walked out of the hospital as Kazuha went back to Scara. He sat beside scara's bed, looking down at his again unconscious body. At least his heart was beating normally.

K: "Please don't leave me.. I love you Scara.. The others are worried too.. Please don't do this to us.. To me and hei.."

S: "love.... You.... Z-zu... Zu.."

K: "shhhhh.. Just rest.. Please.."

S: "sleep.... Too...."

K: "no I'm not sleeping. I need to keep an eye on you, okay?"

S: "I-...."

K: "shhhhh.. Sleep now..."

Kazuha caressed Scara's hair softly as the boy slowly fell asleep again.

K: "I love you so much.."

With the others

A: "Xiao.."

X: "yeah..?"

A: "he'll be okay.. Right..?"

X: "of course.. He's not dying on us.."

V: "I.. I'm worried.."

X: "me too.. But he'll be okay. There's no way he's leaving us"

A: "yeah..."

Al: "gosh.. I can't believe this happened.."

H: "hey I'm back.."

X: "how is he!?"

H: "he spoke to us for a while but he didn't actually open his eyes. He's getting better"

V: "thank goodness.."

X: "that's much progress.. Have the doctors found anything yet about the oxygen?"

H: "No... They're investigating it now.."

A: "alright.."

V: "man if you need anything we're here for you. And for Kazuha too"

A: "of course!"

X: "mhm"

H: "thank you guys.. You're amazing.."

Al: "anything for family"

A: "awww... We're all a big family"

H: "yall are making me cry stop.."

Hei teared up a bit and everyone hugged him.

H: "I love you guys so much.."

V: "we love you too.."

With Kazuha and Scara


Yes I found internet to update yall wow but it's kinda temporar.

Anyways the last chapter was a bit too happy so take this ^^

Also random question of the day: who's your genshin main(s)?


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