Chapter 27 (⚠ Experimenting ⚠)

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Third person's pov

With Scaramouche

Sc: how is this even possible.. I don't understand.. I am a human, right..? But how can I be a human without a heart? This doesn't make sense... Am I not a human..? And if I'm not, what am I exactly..? I lived my whole life as a human, what am I supposed to do now..? Where am I supposed to go..? Back to the fatui..? Hell no.. But if I don't go there, where will I go..? I need answers.. I need to find what I am.. Maybe I should go back to the doctor.. He might know..

Scara took his phone and called the doctor.

Doctor: "yes?"

Sc: "it's me."

Doctor: "how may I help you..?"

Sc: "I need answers."

Doctor: "what kind of answers?"

Sc: "what am I."

Doctor: "I'm afraid you'll have to come here so I can examine you a bit, I'm still not exactly sure"

Sc: "fine. I'll come now"

Doctor: "no no no no no- not now and not here. Come to my private laboratory, this examination needs special equipment"

Sc: "whatever, where is it?"

Doctor: "I'll send you the location along with the time"

Sc: "fine."

Doctor: "excellent"

Scara hang up. He immediately received the message from the doctor.

Sc: "10pm.. Why the fuck is the laboratory inside a freaking forest!?"

Sc: "goddammit"

It was currently 8pm so he had to wait 2 hours. He didn't have anything to do so he decided to walk around the forest he was supposed to go to later until the time of their meeting. Luckily, it was close to where he was right now. He walked to the forest, staring at the trees and animals around him. Full of life, full of purpose. They were all needed for something, they all had a role but he had nothing. Even the small ants under his feet had a heart, even if it was tiny.

He put his hand to the place where his heart was meant to be, hoping to feel something beating, hoping that the doctor was wrong but nothing. He didn't feel anything. He fell on his knees, still keeping his hand in that place as he grabbed his shirt aggressively, letting his tears fall down.

Sc: "what the fuck is wrong with me.. Why am I like this.. Why can't I be normal for once.."

Sc: "I don't understand.. How hadn't I noticed before..? Why did she tell me.."

He cried and cried, so much that even some animals got worried and tried to approach him but he just yelled at them to leave.

Sc: "I just wanna die.."

Sc: "and I can't even go back to my homeland.. I'm a wanted criminal there.."

It was 9:30pm now. He calmed down a bit after he ran out of tears so he decided to get up and go find the doctor. He walked around the forest until he spotted a huge building. This seemed like the perfect place for experiments.

Sc: "I guess this is where he keeps his "special" equipment"

He walked closer to the door until he saw a symbol on the door. His eyes widened as he stood there still.

Sc: "no.. There's no way.. Why is this symbol here.."

Doctor: "hello there Scaramouche, right on time"

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