Chapter 18

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(Scara is so fucking hot istfg)

Third person's pov

S: "I'm.. Feeling kinda jealous.."

K: "I figured but I don't understand why.."

S: "huh?"

K: "Why are you jealous? You're the one that said we're just friends.. I don't understand.."

S: "... I was just saying the truth.. It doesn't mean this is what I want though..."

K: "you don't want to be friends with me?"

S: "no not like that- I mean-"

K: "hm?"

Albedo "accidentally" turned the car left a bit too sudden, causing kazuha to fall on Scara. The blonde lifted his head a bit, not realizing how close they were, their lips now only some inches apart. They made eyes contact for a while, breathing into each other's mouths.

S: "can I kiss you..?"

K: "yes please.."

And with that their lips met as they closed their eyes. Scara melted into the kiss immediately. He needed that. He needed him. The kiss got more passionate, both craving for each other's lips as they moved closer. Scara cupped Kazuha's cheek softly, biting his bottom lip. This caught Kazuha off guard as he let out a soft moan, causing Scara to blush. He took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside Kazuha's mouth, exploring every inch. Their tongues intertwined as they both let out whimpers.

Scara pulled away slowly and whispered "they'll wake up.."

Kazuha slowly opened his eyes, seeing scara leaning closer to his neck. He panicked a bit. Scara started leaving soft kisses on the blonde's neck. Every kiss was a bit deeper than the previous one.

K: "S-scara~"

S: "hm?"

K: "this is too much.."

S: "oh- I'm sorry-..."

K: "also Albedo is right there-"

Al: "oh dont mind me, I don't really care but you're cleaning the car after"

X: "well I do mind though."

S: "since when are you awake-"

X: "i never slept"

S: "fuck you"

X: "no I'd rather fuck with Aether thanks"

S: "..."

K: "I-"

Kazuha was so embarrassed. Xiao heard everything. Meaning he also heard him moan.

S: "Kazuha you're red holy shit-"



K: "GUYS."

K: "wait, Hei-?"

H: "yes?"

K: "weren't you sleeping?"

H: "yes but you guys were loud so I decided to stay silent and enjoy the show"


H: "you'd do the same come onnn"

S: "...."

H: "anyways dont fuck without me 😔"

S: "....."

V: "what did i just woke up into"

K: "go sleep again"

X: "istfg if you three traumatize Aether you're dead"

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