Chapter 39

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Third person's pov

Scara's eyes widened

S: "Zu.. Zuzu..? What happened to him!?"

Heizou flinched and turned his head around quickly. He looked at Scaramouche up and down with a shocked yet happy expression on his face.

H: "how.."

Scara ran towards them and hugged Hei tight.

S: "you fucking stupid dumb asshole"

H: "I-"

Heizou couldn't get a word out. Instead he started crying on Scara's shoulder. He cried a lot. Scara sat down and placed him gently on his lap, stroking his hair to calm him down.

H: "y-you.."

S: "shhhhh.."

H: "i-I thought-.. B-but-.."

S: "just calm down and I'll explain everything"

Heizou nodded and started taking deep breaths, which helped him calm down.

H: "you were.. You were dead.."

S: "do I look dead to you?"

H: "n-no but-.."

S: "Heizou. I'm alive."

Hei looked into Scara's eyes. Then his eyes from happy turned sad.

S: "what's wrong?"

H: "I'm sorry.."

S: "sorry?"

Heizou hugged Scara tight once again.

H: "I'm so sorry.."

S: "what will I do with you, you fucking idiot."

H: "whatever you want.. To be honest, I deserve any kind of punishment.. You decide.."

S: "any kind of punishment you say?"

A smirk appeared on Scara's face but he quickly hid it.

S: "anyways, let's leave that for later. I forgive you"

H: "wait- really..?"

S: "no i lied"

H: "oh.."

S: "you're so stupid you're giving me a headache"

H: "huh-"

Scara grabbed Hei from behind his neck and pulled him closer until their lips met. Heizou was shocked but quickly melted into the kiss as he closed his eyes. They both pulled away for air after some seconds.

Scara's hand was cupping Hei's, now red, cheek.

S: "I love you, I've always done.."

H: "I love you too.. Thank you so much for giving me another chance.."

S: "we all make mistakes, I've made way more than you in my life so it's fine"

S: "now tell me.. What happened to Kazuha..? Why is he laying down there unconscious..?"

H: "o-oh.. After you.. Died.. he wanted to take revenge on Raiden and.. He didn't last long against her.. If it wasn't for Venti we would both be dead.."

S: "what!? Why would he do that if he knew I was alive!?"

H: "he knew!?"

S: "don't tell me venti wasn't there on time.. I'LL KILL HIM."

H: "wait I'm confused- it was all part of a plan?"

S: "of course. The dead body wasn't actually me, it was an illusion created by Nahida- wait forget it you won't understand"

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