Chapter 15

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Third person's pov

With Kazu and Scara

Kazuha was sitting on the couch with a sleeping scara on his lap. The blonde was caressing the boy's indigo hair. He was sleeping peacefully which made kazuha happy. He knew Scara was going through much even though he doesn't really open up, even to him. But he understands scara needs time and he decided to wait patiently until he was ready.

It was 3am and he couldn't sleep. There wasn't any particular reason why, he just couldn't and at the same time he couldn't stand up because Scara would wake up so he could only stay there and look at the wall.

Half an hour passed until he heard a door open. He looked at the direction of the sound. It was Heizou with a soft blanket on his hands.

Kazuha waved at heizou who started walking closer to them, silent.

"hey" kazuha whispered

Heizou didn't say anything until he sat beside kazuha.

"hey.." heizou whispered too

(from now on everything they say will be a whisper yk)

K: "what happened?"

H: "...."

K: "hei?"

H: "is it true there's nothing going on between you and Scara?"

K: "uhhh.. Yeah why?"

H: "nothing.."

There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes.

H: "I like you"

K: "what"

H: "nothing"

K: "...."

K: "i heard you yk"

H: "no you didn't"

K: "what"

H: "you didn't hear me"

K: "are you seriously trying to gaslight me now"

H: "no"

K: "...."

K: "Hei-"

Heizou grabbed Kazuha's chin and turned his head so their eyes could meet.

K: "h-huh-"

H: "I like you"

K: "I-"

H: "you don't have to say anything.. Just.."

Kazuha was red. More red than heizou's hair. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything, just stare into Hei's eyes. The distance between them was little and every second it kept decreasing until their lips met.

They both closed their eyes and kissed passionately. Slowly adding tongues and melting into the kiss. Scara groaned on Kazu's lap because of the movements, slowly waking up.

Heizou cupped Kazuha's cheek, pulling him closer. Their tongues intertwined to which kazuha whimpered a bit. Hei's lips were soft, he wanted to get closer but scara was still on his lap. He slowly felt the weight in his lap get lighter and his eyes widened.

S: "oh.."

Kazuha pulled away and turned around. There was scara standing still, looking at them.

K: "Sca-"

S: "Save it.."

He said as he run to his room, shutting the door.

H: "I thought there was nothing going on with-"

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