Chapter 38

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Third person's pov

Ei hugged him as tight as possible. She didn't want to lose him again. Scara's tears fell like a river on her kimono but he didn't hug her back. He wasn't ready to forgive her.

E: "K-kuni.."

Ei couldn't even say his full name without breaking into more tears. She had always believed she would never see him again. She believed he was gone but here he was, in her arms.

S: "you.."

E: "I'm sorry.."

Scara lowered his head and rested it against her chest. He could feel his mother's warmth, something he had never felt before. However, it wasn't like any other hug. Something was missing. He couldn't feel the beat, he couldn't feel her heartbeat.

He looked up at her and whispered.

S: "where is it..?"

E: "where's what..?"

S: "your heartbeat.. I can't feel it.."

Ei looked down at the boy and caressed his hair.

E: "I don't have one.."

S: "huh..?"

E: "My gnosis, my heart, I gave it to Miko to keep it safe. The pain it held was too much for me and for you to handle.."

S: "what do you mean for me?"

E: "Kunikuzushi, you were born to be a vessel for this heart but the trauma it held was too much for you. That's why I took it from you and sealed your powers. However, after a long time I realized my mistake. I shouldn't have abandoned you back then, you suffered too much. Then, feeling bad for what happened I decided to seal you again until I was ready to become a good mother for you but one day you disappeared.. And I couldn't find you anywhere.. I thought you were gone forever.. "

Scara was speechless. He couldn't believe his ears. The mother who he thought that abandoned him, didn't actually mean it? He was the one that left? So he was responsible for everything that happened..? And the reason he didn't have a heart was because he suffered from it..?

S: "I-.."

E: "You don't have to forgive me.. I understand if you're mad"

Scara fell on his knees as tears started leaving his eyes again.

S: "I don't understand.. I was told you abandoned me.. I thought.. I thought i was a human.. I always felt empty but I didn't know why.. Then I was told I was a puppet with no heart by the same person that told me you left me.. Now I don't know who to believe.. I.. "

E: "shhhhhh.. It's fine.. I understand.. I'm saying the truth but if you don't believe me, I can't do anything.."

N: "after so many time-lines, it finally happened"

B: "Nahida? What are you doing here?"

N: "looking after Scara of course. I had to make sure this time their reunion wouldn't become archon war 2"

B: "Well I wouldn't let it become 🙄"

N: "that's what you said last time too Barbatos"

S: "what are you two fucking talking about"

N: "language."

S: "Excuse me!?"

B: "now who's making archon war 2!?"

N: "I have it under control."

B: "yeah sure"

E: "can yall stop for a fighting, you already destroyed half of inazuma city"

B: "correction, your puppet destroyed half of Inazuma city"

E: "which one?"

S: "you did not-"

N: "Scara no."

S: "Scara yes."

N: "Come on, I thought you were better than this. Seems like I was wrong 🙄"


N: "then stop acting like a 8 y/o"

S: "have you ever looked at a mirror?"


N: "Scara."

S: "yeah whatever"

B: "Nahida you ruined the emotional reunion good job"

N: "if it wasn't for me the reunion wouldn't have happened"

B: "it was teamwork."

S: "can yall stfu for once"

E: "......"

B: "guys time is precious let's not waste it, the abyss is here too and the others are in danger"

N: "wait what."

B: "Aether, Xiao and Albedo are still in the maze, we need to find them as soon as possible"

S: "wait, where's Zuzu and Hei..?"

B: "they're safe-"

S: "take me there."

B: "they think you're dead, you can't see them yet"

S: "what's the difference if I see them later!? Just take me to them!"

B: "fine.. But we need to be quick, the others are in danger"

S: "yeah yeah"

E: "son.."

S: "hm?"

E: "be careful.. And if you ever want to visit just know you're very welcomed here.."

S: "okay.."

Scara went to Ei and gave her a quick hug. He then turned around and walked out of the destroyed building.

Venti followed Scara while Nahida headed to the maze.

V: "Scara, they're in an other island. We should use the portal I used to take them there."

S: "whatever is quicker"

Venti created the portal again and they got in. In some seconds they reached Watatsumi Island.

S: "where are they!?"

V: "Kokomi probably took them in to take care of them, let's go to the shrine"

S: "ugh fine"

They walked for a couple of minutes until they saw it. Scara ran towards the building, not being bothered about the people he pushed aside on his way there.

He reached the front door but he was stopped by someone.

??: "you can't enter without permission, who are you?"

S: "you idiot, let me in I need to see them"

Ko: "Gorou it's fine, he can come in"

G: "okay.."

S: "see? I can go in, now get tf out of my way"

G: "okay jeez"

Scara ran inside

S: "where are they!?"

Ko: "come with me and be silent"

S: "yeah yeah whatever"

Kokomi took Scara into a room where Kazuha was laying down unconscious with Hei sitting beside him.


Love ya'll ❤️❤️

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