Chapter 10 ⚠ Smut ⚠

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Third person's pov

Xiao pulled out his fingers and looked at aether.

X: "lick them clean."

Aether just nodded before xiao pushed his fingers inside the blonde's mouth. Aether chocked on them as they got deeper down his throat. After a while he got used to them and started sucking, swirling his tongue around them in order to clean them as xiao commanded. He couldn't believe how submissive he was right now but he didn't complain, I mean it was xiao we're talking about.

He was so focused on the fingers that he did not realize xiao took off his pants and positioned himself at aether's entrance. Xiao pulled off his fingers, at which aether groaned a bit. He wasn't finished.

X: "why are you groaning? Weren't you the one begging me to fuck you? Hm?"

A: "y-yes.. Please be gentle it's my AAAHH~"

Aether didn't get to finish that sentence because of xiao pushing his tip inside. He looked into aether's eyes, they were full of lust. He loved that view. He wished he could see it more often.

He slowly pushed deeper, checking at aether to make sure he was okay but all he could see was a boy rolling back his eyes so much that someone would think he got possessed. But he liked it, as long as Aether felt good, he would continue.

He pushed deeper and deeper, earning loud moans from the blonde each time he pushed further.

Aether's legs started trembling, xiao was big, really big but he didn't want him to stop. It hurt him but he wanted more so he didn't tell xiao it was actually painful.

X: "y-you're so tight.. Fuck.."

A: "m-move ngh~"

X: "you sure y-you can take it~?"

A: "m-mhm~"

At that, xiao started moving in and out slowly, careful not to hurt aether. He loved him, he loved this moment and he wanted the other to feel good too. Aether gasped, tearing up a bit as xiao picked up the pace. It didn't hurt anymore, now it just felt good.

Too good to be honest. Xiao started thrusting fast, hitting aether's weak spots, looking for the spot. Aether's legs started shaking even more now. He wrapped them around xiao's waist tightly, pushing him even deeper to which xiao groaned a bit.

X: "f-fuck~ s-so warm~ aether~"

A: "ngh~ x-xiahhh~ x-xiao~ HAAAH~"

That was all aether could say. Sometimes he would just mumble things that didn't make sense. At this point xiao was going at an insane pace, pushing deeper until he finally hit it, aether's prostate.

The blonde arched his back as high-pitched moans left his mouth uncontrollably until he finally came on his stomach. He was feeling weak, really weak but xiao didn't stop. He wasn't there yet.

A: "x-xiao~ ngh~ s-slow~ aaahh~ d-downnnnnn~ haaahhh~"

X: "a-almost t-there~ ngh~"

A: "x-xiao~ p-pleahhh~ p-please~ ngh~"

But xiao kept thrusting, he was so close. Tears started falling from aether's eyes. It hurt but it felt good at the same time? He couldn't think if he liked it or not at that moment. He wrapped his arms around xiao's neck, scratching his back deeply as xiao kept thrusting on his prostate for the following minute.

X: "a-aether~ i-im close~ c-cumming~ i-im~"

Xiao tried to pull out but aether wrapped his legs around xiao's waist tighter with all the strength he had left. Xiao couldn't hold it anymore and he came inside the blonde, moaning loudly aether's name.

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