Chapter 5

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Third person's pov

The next morning

Xiao woke up. Aether was still sleeping peacefully beside him. He stared at him for a while. He didn't want to get up. He wanted to stay with Aether. He didn't want to leave. Not again... He would never leave him alone again... He wanted to be beside him.

He hugged the blonde from behind. Aether slowly turned around and slowly opened his eyes.

A: "Morning..." he mumbled with a sleepy voice

X: "good morning.." xiao smiled

Aether giggled a bit

X: "what?"

A: "you smiled"

X: "no I didn't"

A: "yes you did" a soft smile appearing on his lips.

They were so close, xiao was still holding him. Suddenly the door opened and a red-haired boy walked in. When he saw them he immediately stopped, looking at them before he ran out and yelled


Their eyes widened.


Aether got up and ran after him, leaving xiao alone.

X: danm you Heizou

In Scara's dorm

Scara was laying on his bed, sleeping peacefully with a certain blondie sleeping on his chest. Kazuha heard heizou yelling and immediately got up. Scara groaned.

S: "where are you going"

K: "he's yelling"

S: "he's ALWAYS yelling"

K: "says you"

S: "shut it"

K: "make me"

Scara opened his eyes and looked at Kazuha.

S: "why should I"

K: "i dont know, why shouldn't you?"

S: "i fucking hate you"

K: "that's not what you said yesterday night 😇"

S: "..........."

K: "exactly ^^"

S: "I'm straight"

K: "mhm sure, as straight as a circle"

S: "I'll kick you"

K: "damn, why so aggressive?"

S: "you're getting on my nerves"

K: "yeah don't act so tough, i know you're a crybaby"

S: "......."

S: "it's not my fault you saw my mental breakdown yesterday"

K: "if I wasn't there you wouldn't have slept at all last night, you should open up to us more"

S: "no"

Scara hid under the blankets.

K: "Scara..."

S: "i said no"

K: "we won't judge.."

S: "i don't want to"

K: "fine but promise you'll talk to me at least"

S: "......fine......"

Kazuha got the blankets off Scara, laid the blue-haired's head on his lap and caressed his hair softly.

S: "why are you so gentle and patient with me.."

K: "I'm not doing much.."

S: "no one has ever cared about me so much..."

Kazuha's eyes got sad.

K: "god.. You're so love-starved..."

Scara closed his eyes.

S: "please promise you won't tell anything to the others.."

K: "you're safe with me.."

Scara almost fell asleep again but Kazuha woke him up.

K: "it's our first day as a band, we need to get up"

S: "but it's so comfortable.."

K: "I'll come back tonight"

S: "fine.."

Scara slowly got up and went to change clothes. Kazuha went to his room to change too. Heizou was still being chased by aether, whose face was more red than the other's hair. Xiao got out too and made breakfast, completely ignoring Aether and Heizou running around like little kids. Venti came out too with messy hair.

V: "mowning my fwiend"

X: "gosh what happened to you"

V: "i- *hic* played twuth or dwink *hic* with *hic* Hei"

X: "you're drunk and the manager arrives in 30 minutes!?"

V: "I'm *hic* fine *hic*

X: "here, eat this"

Xiao gave him one of the sandwiches he made.


Venti grabbed the sandwich and took a huge bite. After a while aether and heizou came to eat too.

A: "thank you for the breakfast xiao ^^"

X: "no problem.." he smiled softly but tried to hide it.

H: "Aether sorry for making assumptions"

A: "it's fine dw"

H: "you're a literal angel"

He rubbed aether's cheek.

X: "........"

Xiao was clearly pissed. He gave a death stare at heizou and went back to eating.

Kazuha and Scaramouche joined them soon. Venti thankfully got sober, just as the bell rang.

A: "I'll go"

Aether got up and opened the door. In front of him was standing a man about the same height as him. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a star tattoo on his neck.

A: "hello sir, you must be our manager"

???: "I am indeed"
This was supposed to be a cliffhanger but yeah I think everyone understood who the manager is 😅
Anyways a LOT happened in this chapter and most of the things will be explained in the next few chapters. I might make a whole chapter about Scaramouche and Kazuha cuz there are a lot to cover up but at the same time it's supposed to be a band au and I realized I haven't done anything related to music yet 😮‍💨
Anyways yeah I'll try to update again later cuz I'm falling asleep (i wrote this at 6am)
Cya loves <3333

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