Chapter 2

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With Scara



Scaramouche was so angry that Heizou run behind Venti for help.

V: "He was just joking"

S: "I don't care. Don't call me that again or I'll drown you into the fucking pool and then choke you to death"

H: "Kinky~"

S: "Oh you're dead fr"

V: "Fuck why am I between those two"

H: "You're my shield ^^"


Venti yelled as he run to the pool with Heizou following him.

Kazuha came up to Scara with a book on his hands

K: "why so much noise?"

S: "these idiots are annoying"

K: "oh? But they seem fun"

S: "well not for me"

K: "did something happen and you're so pissed today?"

S: "I'm not pissed, I'm always like that."

K: "oh"

S: "what is that supposed to mean!?"

K: "nothing ^^"

With Xiao

X: there are too many people here.. And they are so loud.. And on top of that I don't even know them.. What if they judge me when they get to know me better..? What if they don't like me..? What if..-

The door slowly opened

A: "hey xiao.. Sorry for bothering you, I am gonna make something for dinner and I was wondering if you want something to eat"

X: "Thanks but I'm fine. I might eat something later"

A: "but no one else wants to eat now and i don't wanna eat alone 😞"

X: "...."

X: "... Fine.."

A: "tysm! You're the best ^^"

Aether walked out closing the door. Little did he know the last phrase he said made xiao the best tomato cosplayer in the world. In fact, he was more red then the tomatoes Aether was holding.

He sat down, holding his stomach. He felt weird but why? Aether didn't say anything too extraordinary.. He just said he was the best. Xiao started shaking. He was kinda scared. He had never felt like this before. What was it? Why was he red? Why did he feel heat in his cheeks and butterflies in his stomach? Was Aether a wizard or something? Did he do any spells on xiao? Or was he sick? Did he catch a cold on the way there? No the weather was pretty hot.

He decided to lay down and take a nap to ignore it, maybe the feel would go away.

A few hours later...

Aether knocked on xiao's door but no reply. He knocked again, nothing.

A: "Xiao...?" he said as he slowly opened the door.

The boy was sleeping peacefully on his bed, cuddling his pillow tightly. Aether smiled, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. The sight was beautiful. Xiao was beautiful. Aether noticed he was a bit shy, that's why he decided to invite him for dinner. In fact he hadn't asked the others before since they seemed to be getting along. He just wanted to make xiao feel welcomed too. They would start recording their first song in a week so they needed to know each other a bit first.

He kept staring at xiao, slowly sitting beside him on the bed. He took a strand of hair from his face, tackling it behind his ear. This made xiao groan a little, he seemed to be waking up.

A: "Xiao..." aether whispered softly

A: "The food will get cold..."

Xiao opened his eyes only to meet aether's. His beautiful amber eyes. The color was similar to his but still, he found aether's prettier. Suddenly he felt that again, the heat on his cheeks and the butterflies. Something about the blonde must be making xiao's body act weird..

A: "I'm sorry for waking you up but the food-"

X: "yes... I'm coming.."

A: "i really hope you like it, i don't really know if you eat this kind of food-"

X: "i dont mind"

A: "alright ^^ I'll wait for you in the kitchen"

X: "mhm."
Short chapter cuz I'm tired but dont worry, I'll try to update it tomorrow! Hope you liked it <33333

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