🎉 10K SPECIAL 🎉 - Xiaother

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(this is a special chapter, not part of the story, just a celebration for 10k reads! Oh also it's not modern au)

Third person's pov

at Liyue harbor

A: "Xiaoooooo!"

X: "you're back..!"

Aether ran into xiao's arms, hugging him tight. Xiao hugged back and looked down at the blonde's head which was laying on his shoulder.

A: "I missed you"

X: "I missed you more sunshine. How come you came back so early though? I thought you'd be back next week"

A: "welll.... It's a special day"

X: "it is?"

A: "are you stupid or something. Of course it is. Did you forget what day is today?"

X: "it's Monday"

A: "you're not funny"

X: "I wasn't trying to be"

A: "goddammit just kiss me already"

Xiao chuckled

X: "as you wish"

And with that, he lifted Aether's chin and connected their lips softly. The kiss got more passionate. I mean, they had to make up for all those kisses they lost during the days Aether was gone.

After a while they broke the kiss for air. Aether looked into xiao's eyes, smiling softly.

X: "you must be tired after traveling so many hours, let's go back"

A: "alrightttt"

Xiao picked up aether, in a bridal style and teleported them to the inn (forgot the name sorry) where he stayed sometimes.

A: "I literally love this place so much, so many beautiful memories.."

X: "yeah.."

A: "Xiao, is there something wrong..? You seem a bit off.."

X: "h-huh- no I'm fine."

A: "alright.."

A: "you can let me down now by the way"

X: "no I wanna hold you more"

A: "o-oh okay-"

X: "I love you.."

A: "awwww.. I love you too"


A: "Oh Paimon I'm sorry- my bad-"

X: "I'm sorry, he was focused on something else"

Aether smacked Xiao's head.

X: "hey-"

A: "shush"

P: "yeah I should have stayed at the harbor"

X: "there's food downstairs"

P: "BYE"

And in some seconds Paimon was nowhere to be seen. Xiao opened his room's door and walked in, laying aether on his bed. He closed the door and stared at it in silence.

A: "Xiao? Is there something wrong? I'm being serious, you seem more off than usual"

X: "no it's just.. I missed you.. A lot.. You know you can call out my name whenever you want, right..?"

A: "of course.."

X: "just promise me you won't get into too much trouble-"

A: "don't worry babe, I'll be fine"

Who am I to you / Xiaother & KazuheiscaraWhere stories live. Discover now