Chapter 12

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Third person's pov

With Scara and Kazu

The next day came really quick. Unfortunately for them, they woke up really early because of the sun's light. Sleeping in the nature has its benefits and its drawbacks afterall. Scara opened his eyes slowly and groaned a bit from the sunlight.

K: "good morning"

S: "too much light.."

K: "i guess you're not used to sleeping outside"

S: "of course I'm not, why would I?"

K: "..."

K: "you're right.."

After this they went silent for a couple of minutes.

K: "how did you sleep?"

S: "my back hurts"

S: "but I slept good.. It was warm.."

K: "I'm glad and I hope your back gets better"

S: "yeah anyways"

K: "I love the morning sky, you know, when the sun rises and the birds start singing"

S: "it's nice when it doesn't wake you up."

K: "nah I don't mind"

S: "well good for you I guess"

K: "I'll go swim"

S: "dude it's freaking December"

K: "so what, I wanna swim"

S: "when you catch a cold don't run to me for help."

K: "but I'm always helping you"

S: "...."

S: "whatever just go"

K: "i changed my mind"

S: "oh?"

K: "I'll come tomorrow"

S: "fine"

K: "we should go back, the others will be worried"

S: "yeah.. Anyways.. Thank you..."

K: "huh?"

S: "thanks for.. Being so patient with me and.. Generally being there for me.. You're the only person who understands it immediately when I'm not okay.."

K: "you're welcome ^^ and whenever you want to talk about what's bothering you I'm here"

S: "mhm.."

They packed the blankets, got in the car and drove back home.

At the house


H: "I bet they fucked in the car"

V: "yoooo imagine-"

X: "it's too early for this shit"

A: "good morning ^^"

V: "Xiao look your prince charming"

X: "what are you guys talking about-"

V: "about yesterday"

X: "huh-"

Aether kissed xiao's cheek.

A: "good morning ^^"

X: "wha-"

A: "what's wrong?"

X: "why did you kiss my cheek-"

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