Chapter 32

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Third person's pov

With Kazuha and Venti

Kazuha and venti were walking down the hallway when suddenly the blonde stopped.

K: "this scent.. It's familiar.."

V: "dude what are you talking about? We're in the middle of nowhere"

K: "yeah but something about this place is familiar.."




V: "am I going crazy too or someone's yelling fr?"


V: "okay I'm not the only one hearing things"

Kazuha put his ear on the wall and tried to hear more. He had to make sure it was scara.


S: "Zuzu..?"

His voice got softer. Kazuha could barely hear him through the walls.

K: "are you okay!?"

S: "yes I'm fine, goddammit I was so worried about you. There are traps here and they are very dangerous so be careful where you step and some paths lead to circles so don't waste your energy on that- think carefully. Also you're not hurt right!? I'll fucking kill Venti when we get out of here."

V: "EHE"


K: "yes yes but relax, we're fine. We need to find a way to eachother-"

S: "there's no point. It's a maze we will just get more lost. Try to get to the middle of the maze, all paths lead there after a while. We're heading there too. But please be careful I don't know who designed these traps but they're for sure crazy-"

K: "Alright be careful too"

S: "wait If you're with venti that means aether and albedo are together?"

K: "Xiao is with you?"

X: "hi"

V: "yeah now that explains a lot for all the yelling"

X: "have you guys talked with Aether by any chance?"

K: "no, you're the first we find"

X: "goddammit.."

S: "okay we need to get out fast so cya later."

K: "bye babe, be careful"

S: "mhm, you too"


X: "cya.."

They all followed their paths and got separated once again.

With Scara and Xiao

Scara was walking ahead, Xiao following behind silently. After some time, Scara started to hear sniffing. He turned around and saw a tear falling down from Xiao's cheek.

S: "are you crying?"

X: "no"

S: "but you're crying"

X: "no I'm not."

S: "What's wrong?"

X: "why tf do you suddenly care!? It's not like we mean anything to you."

S: "what..?"

X: "you don't wanna be here, you're only here to find Heizou."

S: "listen, it's complicated. But I do care about all of you."

X: "whatever, I'm not crying"

S: "dude I'm not blind, why are you crying?"

X: "......"

S: "hm?"

X: "I'm worried.."

S: "Aether?"

X: "yeah.. This shouldn't have happened.. We shouldn't have gotten separated.. What if something happened to him..? I promised him I'd always protect him but now I have no idea where could he be.."

S: "he's with Albedo.. He'll be fine. Albedo is a genius so they won't have any problems with the puzzles"

X: "you're right.. I'm just scared.. What if I lose him again.."

S: ".... Again....?"

X: "oh shit- I mean-"

S: "you know about the time loop?"

X: "what?"

S: "what?"

X: "....."

S: "...."

X: "how tf do you know"

S: "that's a very long story and now's not the time for it"

X: "agreed."

S: "but don't cry we'll find him"

X: "mhm..."

They continue walking until they reached a huge room. It was dark, very dark and empty. They looked around but there wasn't anything suspicious.

S: "don't move. There might be a trap"

Suddenly they heard someone running passed them.

X: "you heard that!?"

S: "who the fuck was that"

X: "I have no idea and I don't really wanna know-"

S: "wait I'll bring us some light"

Scara made a lightning flow between his fingers and used it to provide electricity to light up the room.

X: "you do what now"

S: "remember the long story?"

X: "right, another time."

They both turned around and looked towards the direction that person ran to. Their eyes widened when they saw who it was.

X: "no way-"

???: "it's you.."


Scaramouche ran towards the red-haired man and hugged him tight as tears ran down his eyes.

S: "oh God.. You're fine.. We found you.. I was so worried babe.."

H: "babe..?! You said you can't love."

S: "I- look I'm sorry I just-"

H: "HAHA I'M JOKING. God, you really fell for it. Like I'd ever be mad at you. I love you, you idiot"

S: "I'll freaking slap you, don't mess with me like that"

H: "do it"

S: "what"

H: "slap me because I'll mess with you again for sure"

S: "..."

H: "do it"

S: "you asked for it."

Hei closed his eyes, ready for a slap from Scara. He didn't really mind, he missed him a lot.

He waited for it to come but instead, of a hand against his cheek, he felt lips against his. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening. He slowly closed his eyes as he kissed scara back passionately. The kiss wasn't too long, neither too short. They slowly pulled away as their eyes connected.

H: "you.."

S: "I love you"

Anyways ya'll been asking for this so here ya go. Also look, no angst, what a miracle.

P. S. Albedo if you don't come home I'll freaking fire you.


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