Chapter 41

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Third person's pov

"only over my dead body"

"is that what you really wish, brother?"

Lumine said, her voice was cold like she had no emotions at all.

L: "If you don't wish to come home with me, I'll return by myself but in order to do that, I'll have to stop the time loop"

A: "I'm not letting you get near him."

Xiao's eyes widened when he understood the situation. Aether was willing to give his life to protect him and Lumine wasn't going to hold back. But if Aether died, it would mean he had failed once again to protect him. He would be once again gone.

He couldn't let this happen, he had to step in, especially now that Scara had defeated most of the abyss army. But little did he know these were just a tiny part of the whole army.

L: "Aether, you have one more chance. Join me and we can go home"

A: "I don't understand what's gotten into you.. We were just fine before.. Why did you disappear like that? Why can't we just tell them to stop the time loop if they started it?"

L: "because, my dear brother, it's not only about the time loop. You're blinded by love. The person you're willing to give your life for is not the angel you think he is. He has hurt you without even realizing it"

X: "what the fuck are you talking about. I'd never do something to hurt him. He's my everything, you don't know shit about us"

L: "don't act like you haven't done anything, Alatus."

Xiao's eyes widened. How could she have known about this name, about his birth name.

A: "Alatus..?"

X: "How."

L: "you really thought you could leave this behind all behind? You really thought no one would remember all the crimes you committed?"

A: "Xiao what is she talking about..?"

S: "Lumine we all make mistakes but what matters the most is what you do in the future. You can't change your past, you can only try to make up for your mistakes"

L: "who even talked to you? I'm talking to Alatus."

X: "stop calling me that.."

L: "Or what? You'll kill me like you killed our parents back then?"

Xiao froze. What was she talking about? He couldn't recall any of these memories. He knew he had done bad things but.. He was too young to remember it exactly. These memories were blurred in his brain.

A: "h-he did what..?"

Xiao broke out of his thoughts and turned his head to aether. He was speechless, not a work could come out.

X: "i-"

A: "y-you did what..?"

X: "Aether I swear I-"

A: "you swear what!?"

X: "I-it's complicated-"

A: "so you admit you did it"

X: "i-I don't remember-"

Scara rushed over to the two.

S: "hey stop with the chit-chat, she's going to attack."

A: "why would you do that xiao!? And why didn't you tell me about your real name, were you lying to me this whole time!?"

X: "no aether I love you-"

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