Chapter 30

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Third person's pov

Next morning

Scaramouche woke up and felt something heavy on his chest. He looked down and it was Kazuha. He smiled softly as he kissed his boyfriend's forehead softly. Kazuha woke up and looked at Scara with sleepy eyes and a small smile.

K: "morning babe.."

S: "good morning Zuzu"

They pulled in for a kiss. Scara felt so happy once again. He missed him. He missed him so much but saddenly his eyes got sad and worried.

K: "what's wrong babe..?"

S: "Heizou.. We need to find him.."

K: "you're right.. Let's go back to see if the others have made any progress.."

S: "fine.."

They both stood up, scara with a small difficulty but Kazuha helped him, and they walked out of the forest, where Zuzu's car was parked. They got in and he drove back home.

At their house

Kazuha parked his car outside and got out. Scara followed him as they got inside the house. Surprisingly everything was so silent, surely not what Scara remembered.

X: "Kazuha you're ba-"

Xiao stopped as he saw Scaramouche


V: "HUH"



Xiao and Venti ran and hugged scara tight. He didn't know how to react so he just stayed there. Deep down he missed them too.

K: "where's Aether?"

X: "he wanted some fresh air. I asked him if he wanted me to come but he said he needed some time alone."

K: "that's strange"

X: "no it's fine. He's been working a lot lately and Scara's and Hei's absence have affected him a lot"

V: "Anyways, Kazuha, did he know anything about Hei?"

S: "no, I had no idea he was missing"

V: "do you know anyone who might have wanted anything from him or from us?"

S: "well there are many people that hate me but I don't think they would go that far. After all they would never hurt someone innocent, they would come straight up for me."

V: "oh."

X: "so we still don't have any leads"

K: "I..."

V: "hey don't worry, we'll find him, okay?"

K: "yeah.."

S: "..... I know someone who might be able to help........."


S: "....."

S: "back to Inazuma I guess.."

K: "wait- Inazuma!?"

S: "yeah..."

K: "you're from Inazuma too?"

S: "...."

S: "yes."

K: "Oh-"

S: "anyways.. Let's just get this over with."

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