Chapter 9

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Third person's pov

After the chaos Venti created and everyone calmed down with their little "roleplay" they sat down again, ordering drinks and having fun. At this point the time was around 2am. Xiao was the only one who was still sober and he was half asleep.

If it wasn't for heizou starting to flirt with Aether, xiao would have surely fallen asleep by now. And the worst thing is he couldn't stop him. As heizou previously said, it wasn't xiao's business.

But still he couldn't stand it. It was painful. He loved aether, he really did. And he couldn't accept someone else just messing with him like that for fun because Heizou obviously wasn't interested in aether but then.. Why did he do all this?

V: "someone *hic* is p-*hic* pissed-"

X: "I'm completely fine."

Xiao then grabbed a bottle of wine and took it all down. A second one followed. Everyone was speechless. Why did he started drinking like that all of a sudden? He went to grab a thrid one but aether stopped him.

A: "no *hic* more"

X: "leave me the fuck alone"

A: "xiao-.."

Xiao stood up and walked in the restroom. He looked at the mirror. He was a total mess. He couldn't even see straight. He really wasn't good with alcohol. He could pass out any moment now. He felt like he couldn't control his own body anymore.

He stood there, looking at the mirror when someone opened the door and came in

A: "xiao.."

Xiao turned around, grabbed aether's hands and pinned him against the wall.

X: "what the *hic* fuck do you *hic* want from me!? Why *hic* cant you leave *hic* me alone.. Go to your *hic* boyfriend heizou!"

A: "h-he's not *hic* my boyfriend"

X: "yet."

A: "xiao-"

Aether was suddenly cut off by xiao's lips. His eyes widened, feeling xiao's warm, soft lips against his.. It felt so unreal. Unfortunately for him, it didn't last for long. Just some seconds and xiao pulled away.

X: "then what is he.."

Aether was sober again

A: "a friend.."

X: "and then what am i.."

A: "x-xiao-"

X: "who am I to you aether..."

Xiao looked into Aether's eyes, their foreheads almost touching.

A: "xiao.. You're drunk.."

X: "Who am i to you."

A: "xiao.."

X: "answer my damn question."

A: "i-i dont know-"

X: "you don't know!?"

Xiao got away from aether and turned around.

X: "you shouldn't have come here."

A: "But-"

X: "just go back."

A: "no, for once let me fucking talk and stop cutting me off all the damn time"

X: "huh-"

A: "look at me xiao."

Xiao turned around and looked back at aether.

Who am I to you / Xiaother & KazuheiscaraWhere stories live. Discover now