Chapter 16

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Third person's pov

It was already morning and Scara got almost no sleep all night. On top of that, today was a really hard and important day. They would go to the fatui headquarters to discuss about the cooperation. And why is this hard for him? Because he used to work there.

Now he had to hide himself all day so they wouldn't recognize him. He didn't want to risk losing the cooperation because it would help the band really much.

His head was already hurting and the fatui aren't really easy to talk with. They always have their way to get what they want. And obviously they didn't agree to help them only because they recognized their talent. They wanted something and scara had to figure out what it was before it was too late.

They might seem harmless and normal but their real work is in the shadows. Nothing good usually comes out after a cooperation with them if you're not really careful. And he couldn't let anything happen to the band.. To Kazuha..

He went to his bathroom and looked at the mirror. The black circles under his eyes were noticeable so he had to cover them. He didn't want anyone to suspect anything. He put some light make up on and walked out of his room.

Everyone was already up except for Kazuha. He walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast, avoiding eye contact with everyone, especially Heizou.


S: "where is the good at exactly?"

V: "oh come onnn, today we will make our cooperation with the fatui official! How can't this be good?"

S: "...."

S: "forget it"

X: "emo"

S: "says you bitch"

H: "woah why so aggressive?"

Scara turned around, giving a death stare to heizou which sent shivers down his spine.

A: 🧍

Al: "come on guys, today is supposed to be a happy day"


Xiao turned around and hugged aether tight.

A: "awwww someone's sleepy?"

X: "...."

X: "no."

X: "but I like hugging you"

A: "i love you"

Xiao turned red and hid his face on aether's neck.

A: "hehe"

X: "shut it"

S: "ew love"

H: "...."

V: "wow"

K: "oh"

S: "when did you get here-"

K: "like some minutes ago"

S: ".........................................."

H: "good morning Zuzu ^^"

S: you fucking bitch

K: "good morning ^^"

S: "...."

K: "hey"

S: "hey."

X: "...."

A: "guys did something happen?"

S: "no"

H: "actually-"

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