Prequel - Xiaother Oneshot

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Xiao's pov:

It's been 100 years since the last time I saw him.. And I do not wish to run into him ever again..

Third person's pov:

After Aether completed his journey through Teyvat he finally understood what his sister meant. Something no one else could see. Hidden secrets of this world, dark secrets that everyone ignored. He tried explaining it to them but everyone thought he went crazy and doubted him, even though he saw it with his own eyes.. The destruction of khaenri'ah.

He got sick of people telling him he was wrong, he got sick of no one believing him. Not only that, but many of his "friends" turned against him after rumors were told about him going crazy. He was heartbroken, all those people he had helped before, were now turning their backs to him, after everything he did for them.

Filled with anger, he went to find his sister and soon after they met, he joined her in her journey to destroy Teyvat, once and for all. He had hatred for everyone now, he didn't care about anything anymore. His once soft and warm heart turned into a cold stone as soon as he became, the abyss' prince.

Xiao's pov:

And one hundred years later, they took action. A war started in Teyvat, bigger than any other war before. The seven archons combined their powers to resist the big catastrophe and fortunately for us, they managed to resist against the abyss. However, this was only the beginning. Many got hurt, millions of humans die everyday. The moment as we speak, many are losing their lives in order to protect their homes and families. The battlefield has become our home. For me, it's not something unusual but most of the people aren't used to real wars. The monsters we fight seem to be endless. It's like they have a monster machine which produces more and more everyday. Even I have started to get tired. But I have to fight, I have to fight for this world.. I have to fight for Liyue.. I have to fight for my home.. I won't give it up that easily to outlanders.. To people who are not even from these lands to begin with...

Third person's pov:

The war kept happening for days.. Weeks.. Months.. Years.. Both of the sides were even, none of them won or lost. It seemed like this war would be endless, like it would never stop.

*in the abyss*

Aether: Sister, they are losing ground again but it seems like they're holding back. Perhaps they want to surprise us with some move we don't expect?

Lumine: that would be foolish of them. They know we have guards in every single corner and an army waiting to attack. Not to mention we can go whenever they are in an instant through portals. If that's really the case, then they are stupider than I thought.

Herald: Your magesty

The abyss herald said as he bowed down to the two of them.

Lumine: yes?

Herald: we're losing ground your magesty. Seems like their general has recovered and he's not holding back at all.

Lumine: I thought I told you to take care of him.

Herald: we tried our best- I swear next time he won't escape-

Aether: enough.

Aether said in a serious and mad tone.

Aether: if you can't do one job right, I'm going to do it myself.

Lumine: brother, it's too dangerous out there and we can't afford losing you.

Aether: relax Lumine, I know how to fight, how do you think I managed to survive after everything if I didn't know what I was doing?

Lumine: still, he's very strong you know.

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